Merry Christmas Doctor

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I walk into the Tardis Console it's empty no decorations NOTHING I thought to myself wait why is there no decorations I asked the Doctor a few weeks back when she puts her Christmas decorations up she said either she would the night off Christmas Eve or before but still nothing. Maybe she forgot?

Yaz had asked to go home she got a puzzled Look off the Doctor then came Graham and Ryan same Look I didn't ask I wanted to spend this year with the Doctor. They never mentioned going back for Christmas they assumed the Doctor knew funny that I looked at the Screen it was the right time as well, well saying that it was Christmas Eve and they had left the Doctor went to bed most likely to read or something and I was left thinking if she forgot then this would be a great surprise.

Now I ain't in on this alone Idris is helping The Tardis she often communicates with me so funny enough when i asked her she let me know the Doctor had forgotten or maybe wanted to forget Wonder why? Or maybe she just thought it was later on? That's the Tardis said maybe she knew why but hey she's helping so she must know the Doctor wants to celebrate it right?

But Idris said nevertheless I hope she's right.

I stumble across the Room Idris guided me too with flickering lights, (I had to be quite the Doctor would not be sleeping her room was CLOSE) I found a tree okay I found two trees a normal one and a purple one I smile not only is this wonderful but I love purple and I think perfect for me and well as that thought came to mind it was indeed for me, Idris let's me know. I got both trees the purple was smaller but that didn't matter.

I took both trees out the the Console the Green 6ft I had in a wheel thing to help me take it to the main room, I sat it just to the rights off the doors the purple one as it was 3ft was easy to carry, it went to the left. I went back to the room and took the stroller thing with me (Sorry no idea what this is but it's helpful it's not very human like or is it? It has four wheels on each side each meaning four on either side it's pretty big on the inside so i'm assuming not human made it's blue as well and the handle is funny it's a weird grip thing), I took as much as I could and decorated the full console Room.

Both trees was done, for the top of the big tree I found this little weird star and put it on top well I say little...

For the Purple one it was a normal sized Violet star, how convenient? However, I also found some Normal things as well, Christmas Baubles and tinsel and lights for each tree.

I then found other decorations for around the console lights, tinsel again Purples, Golds, Blues And Silvers it looked magnificent it so totally needed this perfect now it's absolutely perfect.

Now I realise the Doctor might have forgotten now that's okay I'm still gonna make this a great day for her I have gotten her a few gifts, and the Tardis has some things up her sleeves well sleeves shall I say wires.

I head to the Kitchen and make sure everything there is okay I asked Idris to get the food all sorted for later today and that she has so it will be perfect She made enough incase Yaz, Ryan and Graham come back for a few hours as we have not left yet or if anyone else joins in.

Once everything was finished I was very tired so I made my way to my room. I was exhausted a little!

The next morning I woke to a knock on my door "J can I Erm come in", I hear the Doctor ask.

I didn't really say anything but Groan I was waking she chapped the door again and I popped one eye opened and listen "Hey J you awake?", and I sighed "Yeah", I said back "Come in", I said rolling over to see the door opening.

"Hey". I said with a tired smile starts to appear on my lips "Uh Doctor it's only 8am", as I look to the clock beside my bed I roll my eyes.

"Sorry just wanted to ask something", she said coming in and sitting at the end of the bed facing the door she sounded confused, "What is it?", I said sitting up rubbing the sleet from my eyes.

I grabbed my glasses off the side of the table as the Doctor sighed and looked at me "Have you seen the console room?", her Eyebrows moved up in confusion.

I smiled widely. "Oh I will take that as a yes, did you do it? Why?", she asks it was my turn to look confused.

Was now my then I give her a puzzled look "Doctor it's Christmas", I said.

"Oh no J not for another month", she said smiling.

"Doctor NO it's Christmas today", I said grabbing my phone unlocking it and showing her the calendar (mine was still set to Earth time and everything).

Her eyes widened "That's why they wanted to go home?" she said I nodded "Then why didn't you? Your home is far from here, not not far for the Tardis though", she said.

"Because Doctor I wanted to spend my Christmas with you this year and before you say anything (as I cut her off) I spoke to my mum she said it was perfectly fine I can see them tomorrow or something", I said smiling.

Her face expression was confused uncertain and curious at first now it's happy loved that someone wanted to spend Christmas with her and not their family but she is my family as well.

"But their your family", she says "And so are you", I said leaning in to give her a hug.

"Awe J", she hugs me back, "You know when I was a White haired Scotts man I would have not have hugged you back but now I like them", she said I chuckled at that.

"If you say so", she laughed back.

"You know it's a good thing I got you something a month or so ago, the rest of the Fam I have a little Something for just don't tell them I forgot or well more or less got the time and date completely wrong but I got them something the other day from that planet we visited", she pulls back from the hug now.

I look up to her and chuckle again "Well Doc it's a good thing I have a few things for you".

"So how did you find the Purple tree or more or less where?", she asks "Idris", I said and she nodded "Oh old girl as always I guess she helped with the Decorations?", and I nodded confirming.

"Well I best let you sleep then eh?, she says standing up.

"Well actually not now i'm now fully awake thanks to you, plus food sounds good right now and I have breakfast lunch and dinner and pudding prepared well Idris has done", I said popping out off bed.

She smiles at me and we head to my room door that's semi open and I look beside to the Doctor and say "Merry Christmas", and I hug her once again.

She hugs back "Merry Christmas J".

(Author's Note Merry Christmas all have a lovely day and may the Doctor be with you. Also Don't Let her tell you it's okay the decorations will be fine if you travel even for a second... No no we went to a planet quick to pick up some food she really wanted and well... MY TREE DOCTOR MY TREE! Though she did sort it).

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