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-DaveStrider- :

Admin: What are your thoughts on Dave?

"Davve's cool I guess. Good friends wwith the guy. Evven though he can get a little annoyin sometimes..."

"2trider2 a good friiend. E2peciially when we both team up agaiin2t KK and hii2 heiight. That2 the be2t."

*starts laughing*

I for one, love Dave strider! You are like totally awesome! If I were told to write an essay on how cool and awesome you are, I would write a book instead!

"Wwhat about us?" *whines*

Oh you guys are awesome too! But Dave's a human so...he's awesome in his own way.

"Oh. Okay then!"

Well strider you are like THE BEST. Plus you love AJ , so how could I not like you?

So basically we all think Dave is cool. Why wouldn't he be?

He's Dave Fucking Strider!


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