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Signless_ :

Ha. *he hugged admin back with a gentle smile* 9f c9ursd dear,wait, h9w d9 y9u handle this tw9? Since I have talked t9 9ther timeline Eridan, he's pretty depressive s9metimes.. Y9u kn9w the 9ne wh9ms matesprit is cr9nus amp9ra? Yeah.

Oh yes, I know that Eridan!!

*points at eridan* He's not depressive.

Sometimes others call him a....dick.

"Hey!" *crosses arms*

*smiles* I didn't say I thought that.

These two are easy to deal with. I have two brothers and a sister who used to constantly fight.

So it was...sometimes.....easy to stop these two when they used to fight.

But now everything's great!!!

*pushes sollux to eridan*

because they're matesprits!!!

"You didn't havve to push us."


TG: hehe tour welcome! heyy Eri if youcould hace any pet in da werold what would it b?

"A shark."

"What2 up wiith you and 2hark2?"

"Wwhats up wwith you and bees?"


"There's your answwer. Although...a shark doesn't reely count as a pet does it?"

"Not really.."

"Wwho cares. I wwould wwant a shark."

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