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H-hey Sol? W-Anna go and but s-some video games I-I really need advice f-from an a-awesome g-gamer l-like you.

*covers Eridans mouth then answers*



*uncovers mouth*

"Wwhat the hell sol!?"

"You were goiing two 2ay II cheat. 2o II had two cover your mouth."

"You fuckin cheat and you knoww it!"

"Ugh! Why are you 2o hung up about me and how II play!?!?"

"Because your not fuckin fair!!

"IIm completely faiir! Why can't you ju2t accept that you can't play!!??"

"I can fuckin play if you wwerent cheatin!!!"

Ugh....this is gonna take a while for them to get over....

*waits ten minutes*

It's funny watching two guys yell at each other in dresses... Um guys? The questions?

"You fu- oh...right...."


GZ: So My PaLeBrO sOlLuX fInAlLy AlL uP aNd GoT hImSeLf A mAtEsPrIt. GoOd FoR yOu SoLbRo. YoU tOo ErIbRo. :0) So AnYwAyS I WaS wOnDeRiN' iF yOu GuYs HaD hEaRd FrOm TaVbRo. I cAnT fInD hIm AnYwHeRe :0(

"IIt miight turn back to black iif ED doe2nt 2hut hii2 mouth about me and cheating iin viideo game2!"

"But you do!"

"No II don't! You ju2t 2uck at game2! Why doe2 everyone thiink II fuckiing cheat!"

"Fuck you I knoww you cheat!"

"No fuck you! II don't cheat! 2o 2hut your mouth and forget about iit!!!"



Guys stop fighting and answer Gamzee's question!

*snaps both of the straps on their dresses*

"Oww! ....Fine!"

"Ow! Okay okay!!"

"Oh yeah ....wwe just talked to him."

"He ju2t a2ked U2 a que2tiion actually."

"He wwas....askin about you..."

"Go talk two hiim! II bet he2 waiiting for you or 2omethiing~."

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