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TG: admin? I've seen dirky leak this before, I think something's def wrong but u just gotta give him some time trust me he'll be ok as long and sollux stay with him

Dirk was like this once?


Yeah I'll give him time... I don't want him to feel so pressured...


Hang tight, admin! I'm sure sollux and Eridan will be able to work this out! Were here to support all three of you whenever you need it!

thanks for being there.

I'm just worried.....

I heard something about....... C-cuts?


I know people who've been down that path...and I know how it is.. I just hope Eridan isn't going down that road....

I don't know what I would do if he did...



MAybE hE mIssEs sOmEOnE.. SOl, hAvE Any clUEs?

"II don't thiink 2o.... He2 been pretty good friiend2 wiith everyone... II don't thiink he mii22e2 anyone... IIt2 2omethiing el2e...."



*appers out of know were* Eridan if you don't want to talk about you probably that's chill to bro don't feel pressured to talk and if you don't have probs that's chill to anyway are my bros is there anything yo is obsessed with ((other then Harry potter as ceriose ((yep spelt right)) and what would you do if some one killed yo computer beond repair sollux ((btw this just happened to me and I rage quitter so bad that I broke a window and has to get stitches in ma hand yep))

*dissperss back to the darkes out of hell* ((were she belongs*

"Um......." *confused as to how someone appeared and disappeared*

"That would 2uck..."

"I'm not obsessed wwith Harry potter.... And I don't think I am wwith anythin else..."

"ED...II don't want you two feel pre22ured eiither...ju2t... PLEA2E... Talk two me...."



€ridan, ju$t li$ten okay? $ollux i$ your mat€$prit€ and h€ car€s for you. Nothing that you ha\/€ don€ will change that. And I know that you ar€ ha\/e r€ady gone going through a rough patch in life. Gog knows w€ all ha\/€ but th€ long€r you k€€p it to your$€lf the more it'$ going to hurt. $o w€ b€g you €ridan, pl€a$€, PL€A$E don't k€€p it to your$€lf. T€ll $ollux what'$ wrong. H€ will h€lp you. (Or so h€lp m€ Gog I am going to hack him into pi€c€$)


"ED plea2e?"


"IIm alway2 here for you. II....II love you."

"............." *gets up and opens the door*


Sollux before Eridan tells you, swear you won't leave him!! Oh and has anyone seen my glasses??

Oh! Sorry! *takes off glasses*

Must have mistaken them for mine. No wonder my vision looked blurry. *facepalm*

Wait....where are mine?!

*hugs ED*

"IIll never leave you."

*hugs back*

"C-can wwe talk alone?"

"Okay." *goes into the room with Eridan*

Oh gosh.... I hope everything's okay....

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