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hi Sollux how is eridan and the whole 5 year old thing going along? and here Eridan a big cookie for you and here sollux here is a big cookie for you as well * hands them big cookies *

"Cookie!!!" *Eridan giggles and noms onto the cookie as Solluc laughs*
"Thank2.. And well... II won't deny that he ii2 adorable.."

my friend Fang has two questions the first one is for Eridan and it is how did you get so handsome ? and the second one is for sollux and it is did people ever bully you about your lisp? and if so ignore them you're awesome

"Handsome?" *Eridan asks, tilting his head to the side. *
"Yeah. KK, ED, Dave, & Vrii2ka.. II know they were only jokiing though.. And thank2 for thiinkiing IIm awesome Amalia_Hakari "


Jinkoa: Ye"s. Happ"y Perigre"e.


"Okray!" *Little Eridan runs to the kitchen, looking for the sodas to mix together. *

"ED, what are you doiing?"

"Uh.... Nofin!" *He quickly gets the sodas, mixing them together. Once he finishes, little Eridan ours it into a giant bowl, and drinks from it. *

"ED! Ugh! He2 goiing two bee hyper now!!"

Aww, little five year old Eridan! Is Sollux treating you like the adorable little prince you are?

*Eridam giggles.*
"Yes!" *He holds his arms up to Sollux, wanting to be picked up. *

"You're lucky you're adorable.." *Sollux sighs, picking him up. *

*admin wakes up from fainting*
What happened?

"You faiinted."

*looks at Eridan*
What happened to him?

"Long 2tory..."

I'm disappointed in you three for the last few one. It was a song reference

Hey, I didn't even say anything, they're the ones who answered.
"Wow admiin.."

And eridan is adorable! *nuzzles him* Don't question me.

*Eridan giggles happily. *

Aww how cute Eridan a five year old he's so cute *gives him a stuff seahourse* here go you little cutie and anyways Sollux how do you feel about this?

"Yay!!" *Eridan quickly takes the seahorse, hugging it to his chest. *
"I wwuvv seahorses!"

"IIt2 Fiine II gue22... He2 really adorable... But II kiinda want my mate2priit back.."

Eridan...can you say I wuv sol....hehe and sollux. Have you ever seen(starts dryheving) Dora? Turns it on and runs.

*Sollux looks at the tv.*
"What the heck II2 thii2?"

Oh god.... No...

"Uh..." *Eridan walks up to Sollux, tugging lightly on his shirt. Sollux looks down at him*
"I.... I wwuvv you.."

*Sollux blushes and picks up Eridan, rubbing his cheek against his.*
"You are 2o adorable!!"

I think Sollux is Fanboying...

Gives little eridAn gummy octopi and Sollux a cute little seahorse outfit for five year old ERidan that will grow with him when he turns back so he can still wear it*

"Thank you!" *Eridan says happily, eating the gummy*

"Oh my Gog, thii2 ii2 adorable.."
*Sollux puts it on Eridan*
"Yup, ab2olutely adorable..."

Jade: "Heya guys!"

Jane: "We wanted to know if you've heard the song Dear Agony by Breaking Benjamin."

Jade: "Hehe, because we think it might give Admin feels."

"Breakiing Benjamiin? II thiink-"

Breaking benjamin?!?!?! *jumps up and down*

"Ye2... They want two iif IIve heard the 2ong 'Dear Agony' and they thiink iit Wiill giive you.. 'Feel2' "

Dear agony....oh, I've heard of it. But I've never listened to it. I always listen to 'I Will Not Bow'

"Hm... Let2 2ee.." *finds it online, and plays it*

-song ends-

*laying on the floor; crying and singing*
Love pull me down
Hate lift me up...
Just turn around
There's nothing left...
Somewhere far beyond this world
I feel nothing anymore....

"Admiin, get off the floor.."

I feel nothing anymore...

"Admiin, 2top cryiing..." *sighs*

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