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Ashtim_aemeon :

HAy AdmIn dO yOU by Any chAncE knOw why thE sUpErnAtUrAl fAndOm hAtEs thE hOmEstUck fAndOm bc Iv AskEd EvEry bOdy And thEy dOnt knOw & ErI & sOl hAvE yOU EvEr sEEn thE mOvIE AlIcE In wOndErlAnd (( thE nEw OnE nOt thE Old OnE )) If sO whO is yOUrE fAvE chArActEr/s mInE ArE thE chEshIrE cAt And thE mAd hAttEr. :-X. (( I THINK SOME ONE STOLE MY QUIRK oh well thats fine I HAVE TO GO CALM NIKKI DOWN SO GOOD BYE have a nice life people ))

oh & sol do you have voices in your head if so how do you deal with them as mine are getting abit loud and its really heard to do eny thing .... :-X

Okay. Time to set this record straight. Supernatural hates homestuck because trolls look like 'demons' supposedly. And they don't 'trust' us. That's the main thing I know of.


"Wwho the fuck is callin us demons?"

And sometimes supernatural fans actually throw salt at homestuck fans.

It's true actually.... Hehe... Only some of them.


"Oh hell to the fuckin no. Wwho the fu-"

Eri calm down.


"Oh Aliice IIn wonderland? II liike that moviie!"

"My Favvorite character is the Dormouse."

Aw I like him too!

"II liike both the red and whiite queen and the voiice2......um.....II ju2t try doiing whatever II can two iignore them when that u2e two happen...."

TheAlternativeRuler :

Wow. I missed quite a lot. So Sollux, I might have maybe told Gamzee that you were turned into a girl...hehehe.

TC: SoLbRo! Or...I gUeSs SoLsIs? WhAt In ThE nAmE oF aLl MiRaClEs HaPpEnEd To YoU? wAiT...iT's NoT mArCh...DiD eRiBrO gEt TuRnEd InTo ErIsIs ToO? i NeEd A fAyGo...

"II have no fuckiing iidea what happened. And II want two bee changed back riight now!"

"No sol! You look hot!"

"2hut your mouth beefore II do iit for you."

"Ooh! Id like that~"

"............" *blushes*

homestuckbabe :

Gives eridan a really masterious looking candy*"hehe enjoy eeeeerrrrriiiddddaaannn

"Hmm....thanks! I lovve candy!"

*is about to eat it*

*notices the candy*

Wait Eridan No!

*too late*

"What2 wrong wiith iit?"

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