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Kinky stuff!


TG: oh... Oh my god I catn *falls on the ground laughing* ,f... Fuck sol- laugh- you, ahahahhahahaa *laghing like a dying seal*

"Hey! 2hut up! " *crosses arms*

"Oh sol. It's not that bad."

"They ju2t 2aiid iit wa2 kiinky and Roxy ii2 laughiing liike 2he ii2 dyiing."

"It's pretty kinky~"

".........." *shakes head*


What would you guys do if you got lost in Walmart?

"II would ju2t 2tay iin the electroniic2 2ectiion untiil Admiin fiind2 me."

Well that's good because that's where i would go first to find you.

*whispers* "I wwould try to help the fish escape.."


Admin what's your favorite ship other than erisol and Eridan and sollux sloppy makeout now!

Oh! Hehe...

"You don't gotta tell me twwice."

"Waiit wha-" *gets pushed to the floor by eridan* 💕

Well....um...while they're...doing that... Hehe.... My favorite ship other than erisol is Davekat and Johnkat. I can't choose!


7RRY 70 RP

*both Eridan and sollux look up from each other*


Try to RP!

"You've been hangiing out wiith NP and her dance2tor two much haven't you?"

No, I RP a lot!

"That explains it."

"RP what?"


"CA wraps arms around TA and starts kissing his cheek!" *wraps arms around sollux and starts kissing his cheek*

"Hehe. TA holds CA'2 face gently and pull2 hiim iinto a kii22."

*does what he said*

*admin trying not to scream of feels*


Yura: SorRy eRidAn.

Admin: Eridan. Sol, what would you do if you were actually human?

"It's fine....and if wwe wwere human?!"

"Whoa....2hiit II never thought about that beefore...would II 2tiill have thii2 lii2p?"



"Id still be pretty much the same. Cancel the fins,gills, horns and grey skin though..heh."

"Don't forget our fang2."

Actually, some humans have fangs. They file down their teeth. It's in different parts of the world.

"Oh reely?"


"Oh! II would want two open a computer 2tore! Liike how Kanaya wanted two open a clothiing 2tore wiith ED."

"You wwould."


Admin what do mew think of people reporting other people fur just saying simple curse words? I mean they are used in a lot of stories and sollux just cursed so why bother to report people ? Sollux and Eridan can answer to if they want to . It's not like they are saying the "elder sware" or something like that.

"Thank cod someone finally said something!"

"Thank2 NP."

Yeah, thank you for saying this. I don't really get the point. Why report other people for doing it when your basically seeing the same thing? This is such a great thing you pointed out. And it's only people expressing what they feel after experiencing what they just read. Or maybe they are just like Karkat and swear all the time.

"Another good poiint!"

"Kar does cuss like all the cod damn tiime. Do you sea me goin and tellin him to shut his mouth? No you don't."

Yeah. Or maybe some people accidentally press report.

"How do you acciidentally report?"

I dunno. It can happen.

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