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Signless_ :

Why, yes I am Karkat's ancest9r.. And well y9ur ancest9r , s9llux, was 9ne heck 9f a tr9ll and he helped me make a difference. Heh, right n9w I have Eridans ancest9r, wrapped ar9und my mutant finger. Anyways! I get 9ut of su6ject quick... Uh...hmm.. Ever heard ab9ut serm9ns?

"Wwhat do you mean my Anscestor is...wwrapped around your finger? Nevver mind...I don't wwant to knoww...."


"Wwhats that?"

*admin face palms*


Did you know that in old English dumledore means bumblebee??

"Whoa.....that2 cool!"

"And no, wwe did not knoww that."



Charlie: *walks up behind Eridan holding her stuff platypus and tugs on his cape* hey Eridan.... Umm I was wondering if I can umm make a drawing of you... *blushes lightly hiding her face into her stuffed animal* and then I'll make one for sollux too!

"Three things.... One...wwarn me before you pull on my cape, twwo your platypus is adorable, and three...shore."

"Cool. You can make drawiing2 of U2!"


I love you both so much hhhh why must you be so adorable, whyy? - craws into the darkness like damn, I'm creepy -

"Wwere....a-adorable?" *light blush*

"E2peciially you." *hugs him*

"Sol!" *blushes more*

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