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You should read the series (well, there're two series), it's awesome! Anyways, have you guys ever seen the video Lullaby for Gods? The Homestuck one? It's pretty incredible.

"Back to YouTube..."

*looks for the video and clicks it*

*video ends*

"That wwas pretty cool."

"Yeah iit wa2. That wa2 awe2ome!"

ShizueAmpora :

That wwasn't vvery nice eridan. Sollux do you like older vvideo games or just newwer ones? (I apologize my questions aren't very interesting)

"Any viideo game2 are fiine. E2peciialy iif they are multiiplayer. II prefer old viideo game2, but II'll play new one2."


Yura: *licks hands* I doNt kNow WhaT paInt TasTes LikE. It tAstEs like MetAl tHouGh.


"Come on..."

"II thiink paiint doe2 ta2te liike metal."

"Howw wwould you knoww?"

"IIve lo2t 2ome dare2 beefore."

"Oh cod... Please be paint though."

*pokes your admin*

"Well your knocked out.."

fictionwriterforever :

Erisol whats your favorite AU?

"WWhats an AU?"

"II have no fuckiing clue..."

"Should wwe call admin?"

"No, we can ju2t look iit up."

"Oh riight."

*looks it up*

"Alternate Uniiver2e?"

"So... Like a different timeline?"

"II dunno... But iif that'2 what you mean, then thii2 one II gue22? "


JR: I'V£ C()M£ UP \/\/ITH A GR£AT ID£A!!

RC: And by that, sh€ m€an$ $h€'$ going to us£ you for h€r own p€r$onal €nt€rtain/\/\€nt.

JR: TIM£ F()R A B()DY S\/\/ITCH! G()!!!!

*Eridan and Sollux switch bodies*

"WWhat the fuck? Oh cod, wwhere did my lisp go?!"

"Holy 2hiit... Waiit... 2hiit! No! 2hiiiiit! Fuck how do you talk liike thii2-thu2.. Fuck iit..."

"I can feel all the fuckin fish references wwantin' to come out. And WWhoa, this is Howw it is havvin a wwavvy accent! Hey ED! Say Mississippi! Oh my cod! I did it!!" *fist pump*

"Mii22....mii22ii22- mii22ii22ii- mii22- AUGH!!!!"


Amalia_Hakari :

Don't worried sollux every one has at least one word that can't say or have trouble saying like fur me it is * writes the word digital on a peace I paper and shows it to them * that word

"Wwhale-fuck these puns... Wwell I don't havve the lisp anynore~!" *points at his own body, which is now Eridan*

"You do!"

"Thii22 ii2 2o hard....and II am NOT goiing two make bee pun2...or the number two.."

"WWe'll sea about that- fuckin' fish puns.."

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