36: Meeting the runaway Prince.

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9th May, 2017.
Ubud, Bali.
Hanan's heart did a triple somersault. She couldn't believe what her eyes were showing her or was it her brain that did the interpretation? She couldn't say. But when he smiled, she knew her senses were right, it was him.

"You don't look very pleased to see me, Hanan Shafiq." He uttered, his ivories shining like pearls.

"Oh Allah, Muhammad, is that you?" Hanifa yelped with delight. Sameer feared her lips would frazzle at that rate.

"Valar morghulis" Muhammad said to Hanifa, ending his statement with a wink.

She chuckled. "Oh my Allah, it's really you. How long has it been?" Hanifa uttered with so much enthusiasm that Sameer just couldn't wait to know who on earth was this Muhammad of a man.

"I guess I was missed. Right.." He paused, averting his gaze to Hanan. "Hanan Shafiq." He ended.

Hanan swallowed a lump, getting her thoughts straight to give Muhammad the reply he was aiming for. "And why is the runaway prince asking me that huh?" She answered, now displaying a small smile to ease off the bad vibe. She somehow felt either Muhammad had no idea she was married or he was most definitely there to end her marriage which will be the biggest mistake he will make in his entire life.

"I am not on the run anymore, if that's what you want to know." The corners of his lips turned up as he pulled his hands out of his pockets. "Assalamu alaikum." He stretched his hand and shook the men one after another.

"Since they are not ready to introduce me, I guess I have to do it myself. I am Muhammad Ali. The triple H's and I are ex schoolmates."

"He is a runaway prince of Kano." Hameeda chipped in. Muhammad twirled around to the sight of Hameeda and Janan who were sitting behind him.

"You were here?" He asked Hameeda who gave him a half shrug. His dimples depressed into his cheeks when his eyes met Janan's. "Oh hey, we met before, didn't we?" He cocked his head, awaiting a respond from Janan whose head hung with blood slowly rising to her cheeks.

"Did we?" She uttered softly, glancing up at him for a nano second. "I am not sure." She fiddled with her bracelet which didn't go unnoticed by Muhsin. So the fiddling attitude was a thing for the Shafiq sisters. How cute! Muhsin thought.

Muhammad audibly sucked in some air through his mouth, inclining his head a bit to the right. "Why do I feel like I've seen you somewhere?"

"Let her be Muhammad. Now tell me, what are you doing in Bali?" Hanifa crossed her arms over her chest.

"I am on the run. I'm the runaway prince, remember?" He raised his brows with his lips curved up, revealing his two cheek depressions. Janan couldn't help but steal glances at him.

"Can I taste these yummies here already? Thank you." He sat next to Janan, leaving a small space between them.

"He didn't change one bit." Hanifa giggled, playfully smacking Hanan on the shoulder. Hard enough that she almost lost balance, Muhsin had to support his poor wife.

Sameer wondered what relationship Hanifa and Muhammad had to make her all that happy without even trying. He was not usually this sensitive to stuff like that but somehow he didn't find Muhammad's presence quite pleasing.

Muhammad tried the first, second and the third dishes. He paused at the last. "Hanifa you made this, didn't you?" He raised a brow.

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