•part 5•

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~Tessa Brooks~

We went down to Logan's yeti and got in. He sat his camera up and started driving. He soon started talking to the camera.
Logan:so,if you guys are wondering why I have the amazing Tessa Brooks here with me
He said waving his hands in front of me like a magician. I smiled a bit.
Logan:it's because this morning Jake brought the whole team 10 over to my house and Jake pranked me. He put icy hot in my underwear. That a**hole. But that still doesn't explain why Tessa is still here. She is here because all the boys ran away cuz I was about to beat all their a**. And then Erika ran and then Tessa was left here,but she made sure I didn't die,so thanks Tessa.
He said turning to me at the end.
Tessa:your welcome
It looked like he smiled at me. And then he looked back at driving and his camera.
Logan:and then we were going to get food with Evan when he got back. But once he got back he said he had meetings and left. So as you guys just saw,we are now going to Olive Garden. We will either see you guys when we get there or when we get to the apartment.
He put his hand over the camera for a transition and then turned off the camera. Logan drove for a minute and the looked over at me.
Logan:uhh....we are almost there
He quickly looked forward to the road and kept driving. We were silent for the 3 minute drive. We got to the restaurant and they seated us in a booth. We were looking at the menu and about to order something to drink.
Logan:how old are you?
Logan:so you can't have alcohol..ok
I ordered a sprite and Logan ordered a coke. We got our food and ate and talked and it was fun. Logan was nicer today then Jake could be in his whole life. We finished eating and Logan paid because he said he invited me,so he was going to pay. We went and got in the yeti. We decided to go to the movies. We watched 2 movies back to back. First we watch the new Grinch and then we watched Instant Family.


Tessa Brooks~Logan Paul (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now