•part 95•

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I wake up in the middle of the night and lay next to Logan. I see he must've gotten dressed,thank god,what if Ev came in here in the morning. I fall back asleep. A few hours later I wake up to Jake and Ev at the door. Jake looks inside real quick and then let's Ev come in. I get up and so does Logan. We go out to the living room. We first eat Waffles and Bacon and then Chance and Anthony show up. We all sit down in the living room and start to open presents. Everyone got a lot of good gifts but this is what I got. Gift cards from Pam. Gift cards and jewelry from Jake,Chance,and Anthony. Logan gets me a IPhone XR. I thank everyone and hug and give Logan a quick kiss. Him and Jake are vlogging everything. Chance and Anthony vlog a little bit. We take care of the wrapping paper everything. We're all sitting and talking about Christmas and stuff.
Logan:Tessa,I have one more present for you,I'll be right back
He gets up and runs to his room. I keep talking with everyone else. Logan then comes out of his room and walks over to me. He gets down on one knee and then I see the small box in his hand.
Logan:Tessa Brooks,will you please make me happy for the rest of my life and marry me?
I start smiling and crying a bit
Tessa:of course!!
He stands up and hugs me tighter then ever. He puts me down from the hug and then Ev hugs us.
Jake:so cute!!
He says while vlogging
I just laugh and let Ev go from the hug
Logan:mom,we have one more present for you too. You will either get to open it later or tomorrow
Pam:thank you Logey
We all just hang out for a long time and watch Christmas movies. Me and Logan had kinda decided to tell her about the baby tonight. Chance and Tony are about to leave.
Logan:mom,can we give you your present in the kitchen?
Pam goes and sits in the kitchen at the table. Everyone else stays in the living room. Me and Logan go into his room and get the black box with wrapping paper around it with the pregnancy test in it. It kinda looks like a jewelry box.

Tessa Brooks~Logan Paul (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now