•part 18•

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Anthony just hugged me and gave me a kiss. Now what does that mean?
What everyone decided to do was to go to Logan's apartment tomorrow the same time he is working out. And we will go into the gym too. And we will all be working out and Anthony will stare at my butt and stuff and do stuff like that and then before Logan goes back to his apartment,me and Anthony will start making out. And if Logan didn't go to the gym,then everyone will go over there and confront him and when he opens his apartment door,me and Anthony will be standing in the back and making out.

We got food and just did random stuff for the rest of the day. That night I tried to go to sleep early. I was by myself. When I woke up,I had probably been sleeping for 1-2 hours. I was drenched in sweat and I was screaming when I woke up. I finally stopped screaming and I was breathing sooo heavily. Anthony was the first one in and he had already pulled me into a hug and was trying to calm me down. I looked behind him and everyone else was standing in the doorway.
Tessa:I'm sorry
Anthony:it's fine you can't help it
He said whispering
Erika:it's fine T,we know it's not your fault
Soon everyone left and Anthony stayed. Anthony soon fell asleep and I just decided to watch Netflix so I wouldn't bother anyone. Before I knew it,everyone was awake and getting ready to go to Logan's house. Anthony went to his room to get ready so I got up and got dressed. I put on my black leggings with a white and black sports bra. I put a flowy t-shirt over my sports bra. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I grabbed my phone and went into Erika's room. She just finished getting ready and me and her went downstairs to eat food. I had scrambled eggs and toast. We finished eating and everyone else came downstairs. We all got in the Team 10 van. Soon we were there. The security people just let us in because of how many times Logan has let us in. We parked and all got out of the car. Anthony held out his hand and said
He said in almost a whisper so only I could hear


Tessa Brooks~Logan Paul (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now