•part 64•

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Everyone moved off to the sides and I play her music. She does her dance and everyone claps.
My dance friend:wow,we're so happy to see new dancers coming to our studio. You did so good Everleigh
Everleigh:thank you
We then talk to a couple people and then go home. We get Wendy's and eat our food and stuff. I then get Ev ready for bed and let her sleep in her room,it isn't very pretty,but there's a nice bed. I then walk back upstairs and Logan is sitting on the couch watching tv. I sit down next to him.
Tessa:what did you want to talk to me about?
Logan:............I......I love you
Tessa:I love you too
I smile at him
Logan:will you be my girlfriend?
Tessa:yes,of course
We quickly kiss.
Logan:I also have one more question
Logan:me,Evan,George,and Mark and Kylie are all going on vacation in Hawaii,will you please come?
Tessa:what about Everleigh?
Logan:she could come
Tessa:she has to start school,and go to dance lessons. I have to think about it Logan,this can't be like it used to,when we would go do random things whenever and not have to make plans for other things......I'll just think about it and let you know
Tessa:when are you leaving and when are you coming back?
Logan:we are leaving in 5 days and coming back 1 week later
Me and Logan fall asleep like that. Later I wake up to my phone ringing and Logan wakes up too. I check the time. 4:10 a.m. I see that the call is from my dad (Ben). I answer and Logan sits there and watches me,waiting for me to be done on the phone.
Dad:Britney is in prison
Tessa:fOr WhAt????
Dad:attempting murder
Tessa:oh my god. Who did she try to kill?
Tessa:dad!!! Are you okay?!?!!?
Dad:yes I'm fine
Tessa:when is that Bitch getting out??
Dad:she is gonna be in there for life,but she might get out sooner. But,it's early in the morning and you need to sleep,so bye
We both hang up.
Tessa:I'll go on vacation with you
Logan:yay. What about Everleigh?
Tessa:my dad could watch her

Tessa Brooks~Logan Paul (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now