•part 99•

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*close to the end of the whole wedding*

Tonight was so fun. Everyone is starting to go home and stuff. Ev goes home with Kylie and Mark. Me and Logan then go to our hotel room because everyone has left. I take off my dress and hang it up. I take off my makeup.
He says walking to where I am. He's standing at the bathroom door and I see him. He has taken off his suit thingy.
Logan:we can be as loud as we want
Tessa:I know
I start to get wet,but I'm not telling Logan yet
Logan:do you want to?
Tessa:I don't know
I lied. I do. Logan comes closer to me
Logan:please babygirl,do it for daddy
I'm very wet now. I see Logan getting hard.
I know this shit turns him on. He comes closer to me and squeezes my butt.
Tessa:I love you
Logan:I love you too,Mrs. Tessa Paul
Tessa:Bubba,can we hurry up?
Logan:of course baby
He grabs my thighs a picks me up. He pushes me into the bed and we kiss. I'm wetter again. He starts to rub me.
Logan:baby,your so wet. Good job
He stops rubbing me and teases me. He's almost entering me,but then he doesn't. So I get up and walk away.
Logan:Tessa. I'm sorry. Please come here
I go back to him and we have sex.

*Next morning*

I wake up and see the room is a mess.

*a few hours later*

We found out the baby is a girl

*time skip. I am now 9 months pregnant*

I wake up and it's like 4am. The entire bed is wet. I shake Logan.
Tessa:I think my water broke,bubba,wake up
He gets up and grabs the hospital bags and I change my clothes. Pam is in town because I could be having the baby any second. Logan runs over to his apartment and gets Pam. Pam comes over to watch Ev. We get all of our stuff and get in the Yeti. We drive to the hospital and we tell them that my water broke. They take us into a room and I get changed into a hospital gown. The doctor soon comes in. She writes down a few things. The doctor has me start to push. Logan holds my hand the whole time.

Tessa Brooks~Logan Paul (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now