•part 63•

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I just laugh as she says hi to everyone. A few minutes later I hear a knock on the door. I go open it and see Kylie. I let her come in and everyone starts talking to her too. Soon,a lot of people leave. The only people left here are Me,Everleigh,Erika,and Kylie. Anthony stayed a lot longer then everyone else though,he left just a few minutes ago. We were all a bit hungry so we're in the kitchen making cinnamon rolls. I then here the door open,I quickly rinse my hands and dry then and then I walk over to the door to see who it is. I see Logan. He walks over and hugs me,so I hug back.
Logan:hi. I wanted to talk to you about something,but I guess I will later
He says hi to Everleigh and everything. I cook the cinnamon rolls and we all eat one,Logan's vlogging,but still hanging out with everyone. Once I finish,I decide to do a dance video. I tell everyone that I'm gonna make a video of me dancing,we go over to Logan's apartment because there is more space because there is just the love sacs against the walls in the living room. I put on a black crop top and put on red and black joggers/sweatpants. This is the dance I do:

(She does more then that,but that's the best video I could find). Everyone is standing to the sides and watching me.
Everleigh:mom,I wanna learn how to dance
I gasp
Tessa:yay!!!! I'll teach you a dance and later I can sign you up for dance lessons
I teach her this dance:

She did a really good job. Soon,everyone leaves so it's just Me,Logan,and Ev. I sign her up for preschool. She will start in 2 days and she will go from 8am-11am. I tell her and she is excited to go to school. Logan drives me and Everleigh to the studio that I dance at. They tell me that there is a dance class that I can take tomorrow,so I say yes. I then sign Everleigh up for dance classes/lessons and she shows some of the people there her dance. I take her to the main room and only a few people are there because it's almost night.

Tessa Brooks~Logan Paul (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now