•part 21•

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She just said "stay there". I looked up from my phone and saw Logan walking toward me. He sat down at the table.
Logan:remember when you said you were coming over?
Logan:how about we go on a date and then you can come over?
Logan:lets go then
We went and got in his Yeti. We went to Olive Garden. We ate and paid for our food and got back in the Yeti. We then went to his friends house or something and he told me to stay in the car. He went inside and got a bunch of stuff and put it in the trunk. He got back in the car and we went to Walmart. He got a tent,a blow up mattress,stuff to make s'mores, candy, chips, waters,soda, and the poking thingy that you use to put the s'mores in the fire. It started raining so we were going to do what he was planning tomorrow night. We just went back to the apartment. I laid down and just played on my phone. Logan came over and cuddled with me. I soon fell asleep. I had a nightmare. I couldn't breath and I was screaming for my mom and dad to not hit that car.
My parents are dead. (A/n: I can't remember if I talked about her parents before in this but whatever. I know her parents aren't actually dead but it's just a story). I was sitting on my porch playing with my toys with my cousin and her husband. They were babysitting me because my parents went out on a date. They were just coming around the corner and I saw them. I started watching the car waiting for them to come play with my toys with me. But something was wrong. The car was going way to fast. They looked scared and it looked like they were screaming something,the breaks weren't working. Then a drunk driver was driving at them because the drunk driver was on the wrong side of the road. They were both going double the speed limit. They hit each other's cars and my parents got shot out the front window and my dad got trapped under the guy's car. My mom had gone half way through the windshield and cut her head open and half of her body was trapped in the car by the steering wheel.


Tessa Brooks~Logan Paul (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now