•part 16•

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I soon realized what it probably looked like. I was sleeping with Tessa with out a shirt on and we were all cuddled up against her,and it's obvious Logan likes her. I slowly got up and went into my room. Me and Chance played video games.

~Tessa Brooks~

I woke up and neither Anthony or Logan were there. I got up and put on the clothes that belonged to Logan. His maverick hoodie. His sweatpants. I packed a couple bags of things and went over to Logan's.

About a week later

We had been cuddling every night just like me and Anthony had done that one night. Even though we weren't,it felt like we were in a relation ship. He had asked me to move in,I had moved most of my stuff over but a couple things remained at the Team 10 house. I had gone to the gym with Erika. After,I went back to Logan's apartment. When I was going up to the apartment I saw a pretty girl in the elevator,I thought nothing of it,because there were 100s of apartments in this building. I went into the apartment and Logan was walking into the living when I got there. He was shirtless and panting (he was breathless,like breathing heavily).
Tessa:what were you doing?
Before he had the chance to answer,I went into his room and the sheets and blankets were all messed up. I turned around.
Tessa:are you fricking kidding me?!
Tessa:SoRrY!!? Do you think that just makes this all okay?!!!
Logan:were not even dating so why would you care?????
Tessa:because I freaking love you and I want to be your girlfriend but not now!!!
He seemed shocked
Tessa:you know what? I find it disgusting that you would do that in there with her and all of my stuff is in there and that's where I sleep
Logan:Tessa please I'm sorry
He tried to hug me
Tessa:get the f*** away from me you freaking disgusting person
I ran out the door and I finally calmed down on the elevator. I was now crying and I had no where to go. I guess I'm going to the Team 10 house. I finally got there and went inside. They all saw me crying and asked what's wrong but I didn't answer. I went into my room and just sat in my bed,under the blankets.


Tessa Brooks~Logan Paul (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now