•part 38•

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Logan puts on a t-shirt and sweatpants. He lays down in his bed. I go into his closet and take a sweatshirt and sweatpants and then change into them. I lay next to him. He takes off his shirt so he can go to sleep. We turn on the tv and play fuller house. He wraps his arms around me and we cuddle for a little while. Out of no where,Logan starts quietly talking to me.
Logan:if no one was here,I'd fuck you all night
I turn so I'm facing him. I pull off his sweatpants quickly.
He smiles
Tessa:I don't know...
I press my lips against his. I pull down his boxers too.
Logan:your already way ahead of me. Not fair
He I'm referring to the fact that I'm still fully dressed.
He pulls off my shirt and soon enough,we're fully naked. Just then his phone starts going off a bunch. It gets annoying so he grabs his phone.
Logan:it's Jake
He says looking at me and showing me the phone. I read a couple of the texts.

Jake:can you and all the team 10 members at your house please come over?
Jake:I need to talk to everyone right now
Logan:what do you want?
Jake:just please come over with everyone and I'll explain it

Logan looks at me as if he's asking me.
Tessa:we could tell everyone we're dating and then we could just stay there?
Jake tried FaceTiming Logan and without thinking,Logan answers. I make sure he can't see me and then I be really quiet. Logan realizes he messed up,so he holds his phone close so you can only see his face.
Logan:I'll be there soon
Jake:can you be here in a couple minutes?
The both hung up.
Tessa:so we're going?........already?
Logan:we kinda have to,I guess it's really important
I roll my eyes,not wanting to leave. I put my clothes on that I was wearing earlier so no one thinks we're dating yet. I get my phone and then I go wake up tony. He is already slightly awake.
Tony:you guys are really loud
He tells me as Logan is still getting read
I say,while I'm embarrassed

Tessa Brooks~Logan Paul (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now