•part 13•

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I walked downstairs and saw everyone hanging out. Jake immediately looked at me. He stood up and we both started walking toward each other. We were almost near each other,but I started running. I tackled him to the ground and everyone knew that he deserved it,but still,they tried to separate us. I got in one good punch before I was ripped off of Jake. He was most likely going to have his eye swollen shut and a bunch of face bruises. Jake laid there for a second. He then got up and lightly pushed me but I didn't move. He went up to his room looking very mad. They all looked slightly shocked about what just happened. Erika quietly said to me:
Erika:thank you
Everyone else:thank you,he really needed that and deserved that
Logan:your welcome?
They all went back to what they were doing so I went back upstairs into Tessa's room. She was still a little shookith but she wasn't crying anymore. She was sitting in bed on her phone. When I walked in,I went and sat next to her. She put her phone down. She got real close to me and said a few words that made me realize things definitely need to change. She said...
Tessa:I don't feel safe here
Logan:will you stay at my house?
Tessa:yes. Thank you
Logan:no problem
She was going to have to stay here one last night so I could get her a better place to sleep then the couch but I am going to ask Chance and Anthony to sleep in here on blow up mattress's or something. Maybe I could ask Erika but she will probably be with Jake. I got up and me and Tessa went and got in my car. Before leaving,I went inside for a minute but Tessa stayed in the car. I went in to where all the team 10 members were besides Jake. I talked to them in a slightly quiet voice so Jake wouldn't hear.
Logan:if any of you or all of you don't want to be here or Jake gets to be too much or just for any reason,feel free to come over to my place,just let me know so I can come down and tell them to let you in the building.


Tessa Brooks~Logan Paul (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now