Chapter 1

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Today was the anniversary of the Floral Goddess's death. The sprite couldn't believe that it has already been four thousand years since her banishment. Ever since then, she's been living in the Mortal realm.

Bai Fu sat outside on her deck allowing the bright sun to warm her body. It was another boring day in the Mortal realm. She honestly couldn't believe how her sanity is still intact after staying in the same place for so long.

Bai Fu lived in a small house outside a nearby village. It was hidden behind trees in the forest right by a pond infested with water lilies. The only way to find her house was to follow the small trail made by her own foot steps leading to and from her house to the village. 

She let out a long sigh before laying her head comfortably on the table where she sat. It went on like this until she sensed someone's presence. Unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough.

Bai Fu clutched her forehead from the pain, "Ah!" Falling onto her lap was a small green orb.

"Baihe, what are you doing staring off into space?"

She looked up to find a handsome man in green trotting towards her on the deck.

"I wasn't staring off into space. What is this anyway Yan You?" She held up the orb to his face when he sat down next to her.

"Ah, that's one hundred years worth of spiritual power."

"I knew that. I meant what is this for? Yan You... You don't have to keep helping me cultivate. I can manage on my own."

"Don't worry about. Just take it. It's already hard enough for you since you're stuck in the Mortal realm... princess."

She slaps him on the shoulder. "I'm not stuck! And quit calling me that," she scoffed. "I just have nowhere else to go. Where did you get this anyway? This doesn't look like you cultivated it. Don't tell me you stole it?" Bai Fu asked as she waved her hand over the orb. It levitated and slowly the spiritual power within it was absorbed into her body.

"Just payment from a friend. I'm her benefactor," he proudly stated and took his orb back.

"You a benefactor? Pft! Sure! From my three thousand years of knowing you, there's bound to be someone that owes you something," she stated.

Yan You laughed at her comment as they stared at the evening sky becoming dark.

The sun reflected warm colors from the sky onto the glistening pond. She turned to Yan You, "I hope you know that all the food I've provided for you was my payment for you saving me."

He glanced at her smirking, "Well of course! You were like a baby back then. I was surprised that someone your age couldn't even use magic."

She gave him a deadpanned look and hit the back of his shoulder, hard. 

"Ah! Look at this monster I've created. All you know is how to use your fists you violent sprite. I didn't teach you martial arts for you to abuse me," he complained rubbing his hurt shoulder.

"Keep talking like that and see where else I could use my fists for," Bai Fu threatened waving her fist around.

"Ahaha alright. I can't let this face of mine getting misshaped." He got out his mirror and adjusted his hair while checking out his face. Bai Fu couldn't believe this snake. 

Shaking her head, "Just leave already. I can't stand your ridiculousness." 

"You're so mean Baihe. I'll come by soon again though," and with that, the Snake immortal left in a flash of light.

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