Chapter 36

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"The only way?" She was sad.

"Bai Fu... Listen to me, please. Now is not the time to tell you everything."

"When is the time then? So many years have passed already. Coming back here to the Floral Realm is so bitter sweet to me."

"Please just trust me," Chief Peony says gripping her hands tight. "In time I will explain everything. The late Floral Goddess left me important instructions for you, but you have to wait."

The lotus sprite just pulled her hands out of the chief's grip and walked away. Before she left the pavilion, she said this without turning around, "You left me all alone in the Mortal realm. Instead of having someone beside me during those lonely times, everyone in the Floral realm was happy raising the late Floral Goddess's daughter. I should've just stayed quiet in the Mortal realm."

Sometimes she wonders how she ended up being born into this world. White Healing Lotus? How important is this White Healing Lotus? 

Bai Fu missed Yan You. She misses the times when things were simple. Her living peacefully in the Mortal realm with the occasional visits from the eccentric Snake immortal was a memory she wants to return to. 

The lotus sprite wonders how the Fire immortal is doing... Was he well? He did just return back to the Heavenly realm. 

The times they've spent together were so short. Bai Fu could tell that Jin Mi and him were acquaint. How long did those two know each other? Just thinking about them together made her heart even more bitter than before.

She shook her head while looking at the flowers at her feet. Bai Fu knew she shouldn't have ill feelings towards the late Floral Goddess's daughter, but... everything just seems to point back to her.

Because of her too, she might be appointed as the Floral immortal...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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