Chapter 2

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"Baihe! I've come back."

It was already the next day and Baihe came out of her house to see Yan You waving.

"Ah! I'm starving today."

Bai Fu will never know how he knows when to come over when she has food ready.

They sat at the table inside. Already set on the table were two bowls of warm rice and three freshly cooked side dishes.

"Ugh no meat again?!"

"Then don't eat! More bok choy for me," she pulled the chopsticks from his hand and used it to pick some side dishes into her bowl.

He takes them back, "I'll eat, I'll eat."

Bai Fu smiles as she watches Yan You eat her dishes. Though he was much louder and eccentric sometimes, she enjoyed his company very much.

Bai Fu was alone in the Mortal realm for a long period of time. That felt like forever until she met him.

One day she was in the village buying ingredients. It was crowded that day since there was an opening for a new restaurant. Bai Fu finished paying the vendor when she suddenly bumps into someone causing her to drop her bag. Before the bag falls, it was caught by a hand. The man who the hand belonged to was Yan You.

"It seems you almost dropped this princess," he sent her a charming smile.

Bai Fu just gave him a deadpanned look before grabbing her bag back, "Thank you, and don't call me that."

She went around the stranger and walked away but he decided to follow her.

"Pretty girl, may I know what your maiden name is?"

"Shouldn't the gentleman tell this lady their name first?"

He chuckled. "I am Yan You, and you are?"

"Call me Baihe."

"Baihe... It's a beautiful name for a beautiful woman."

Bai Fu laughed, "You sure know how to talk."

At first Bai Fu thought he was a pervert. He did walk her back to her house and appear outside her door when she was about to head to back into the village. Not only that, he kept saying that beautiful people should stick together and followed her constantly.

There could be a chance he was a dangerous man but so far the Yan You guy hadn't made any reason for her to assume he was dangerous. He was just annoying, but Bai Fu didn't hate his company.

One day, Bai Fu went out into the mountains to collect herbs. Of course Yan You was waiting for her outside her house.

"Where are we headed to princess?"

Bai Fu sighed. "I'm going to collect herbs."

She never knew why he was so persistent to be friends with her, but Bai Fu was really grateful that he came with her that day. 

On their way back down to her house, a boulder from above suddenly came down where she was standing. All Bai Fu could do was close her eyes and shield herself with her bare arms.

When she opened her eyes, she was in the arms of Yan You. And above the two was the boulder levitating with the help of magic. Magic?

"Yan You... You're from the other realm?" 

That's how Bai Fu trusted Yan You. He saved her using spiritual powers.

That happened three thousand years ago, and miraculously the two continued to be good friends.

Bai Fu placed down her chopsticks and folded her hands under her chin. Her gaze went straight to Yan You who was still eating with a smile on his face.

"Other than eating my food, why are you here? You told me you were going to come again soon. I didn't think it would be this soon."

He stopped eating and smirked, "My pretty girl, I have some news that happened in the Heaven realm."

"Heaven realm? Why would I care about the Heaven realm?"

"It involves the Flower realm."

Bai Fu frowned, "What? Is it something serious?"

"Well, apparently someone sabotaged the Phoenix's rebirth. The Heaven realm is in rage."

"Of course they would. Their son almost got killed. Hurry and tell me about the Flower realm."

The Snake immortal laughed. He leans in closer hinting for her to also lean in. He then whispered, "The Phoenix kidnapped one of the Flower realm's sprite. He ended up crashing through their Water Mirror."

"Wow... if he's caught, the chiefs will cut off his legs and make him become flower fertilizer," Bai Fu said using her arms to motion the cutting and fertilizing.

He laughed but the amused face turned serious, "Why don't you go back to the Flower realm?"

She avoided his stare. Yan You knew that she came from the Flower realm, but he didn't know that she was banished from there.

In all honesty, Bai Fu didn't really know the exact reason why she was left in the Mortal realm. Chief Peony had taken her there though.

She assumed that they probably had found out that she overheard the late Floral Goddess's last order and the birth of her only child.

And also... the fact that the goddess had passed away in the summer solstice was a lie.

But she would never know the real reason of her banishment.

"I don't want to. Remember, I came to the Mortal realm to get a new feel in this life. Why would I go back to somewhere I left in the first place," she smiled.

Yan You observed her face. Bai Fu kept herself composed until he finally let out a breath and said, "Alright, but sometimes I don't get you. You left but you are always wondering what's going on in the Flower realm."

"I'm just nosy. Can't I know what's going on in my home?"

"Fine... Hey, you want to go somewhere with me?"


"To the Heaven realm."

Heaven realm. A place where all the chiefs hated. Bai Fu knew something had occurred between the Flower realm and the Heaven realm as a thirteen year old when Chief Peony told her to stay in the Mortal realm. She had given her the order to not go back home or to the Heaven realm.

It took a while for Bai Fu to answer him. She could say no but then the Snake immortal will ask why.

Plus, she hasn't been to the Heaven realm before. It might be fun. Sorry Chief Peony.

"Okay, when are we leaving Yan You?"

He smiled brightly, "Now."

"So sudden... Let me change."

Bai Fu changed into black men's clothing and had her hair up in a bun. She tied a black mask to her face to keep her identity a secret.

It'll be fine to go to the Heaven realm if no one sees her face. She still felt a little bit guilty that she's breaking Chief Peony's words.

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