Chapter 15

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Bai Fu immediately turned to the Snake Immortal. "What was all that you snake?! What were you trying to achieve from doing that?!" The sprite was all up in his face.

He pushed her back and sighed softly. "I thought I told you to wait at the inn."

She scoffed and crossed her arms. "You really think that after all this time I'll listen to you?! You've been hiding something... What is it? Tell me!"

He pinched between his eyes thinking for a long minute. Bai Fu just waited tapping her feet on the ground. She wasn't going anywhere without him telling her what in the realm is going on. The sprite had so many questions regarding the masked man and that arrow.

"I guess I'll just have to show you. I don't know if you already know though..."

"Know what?" Bai Fu was very confused now.

"Just follow me."

Using their spiritual powers, they arrived somewhere inside someone's backyard. The sprite prayed to the gods that it belonged to someone that Yan You knew.

The duo heard voices up ahead. He motioned her to follow him and she did. This better be worth it.

The Snake immortal interluded into their conversation, "Ahahaha! It's lively here." Yan You walked up to the group of four: one woman and three men. The woman wore a long white veil and somewhat looked familiar.

The sprite could only follow after Yan You as the people's attention went to them. "The heroes are gathering around no matter if it's in here or out there."

What in the world is he--?! Oh my, was that the first prince of the Heaven realm? Is that the Phoenix?! She quickly covered the top half of her face with a hand. Are they in King Yi's palace?!

"Pu Chi?" the women asked. Pu Chi? "Why are you also here in the middle of the night? And who is your friend?" Oh no... Now she prayed that the second prince won't recognize her.

"I had too much supper, so I came here for a walk with my friend here. Then I felt thirsty after the walk. Kindly give me some water to drink."

The first prince, Run Yu the Night immortal, spoke, "Yan You, why are you here? And who have you brought?" From under her hand she made eye contact with the Night immortal. She quickly diverted her gaze tugging onto the Snake immortal's sleeve.

"Yan You?" the woman said. "I remember. You told me once... Pu Chi was the name your wife gave you." The Snake immortal smiled while nodding. W-wife?!

"Oh is she your wife? Hello," the woman bowed her head a bit in Bai Fu's direction. What the, she is so not married to this man!

Bai Fu put her hand down and shook her head in denial. "I am not married to this snake!" Uh oh, her face! She saw the look of recognition from the veiled woman and went back to covering her eyes.

"I remember you. You rode on my wagon." No wonder she looked familiar. Bai Fu just nodded awkwardly. "Immortal Run Yu, do you guys know each other?" the woman asked.

Before the Night immortal could say anything, Yan You jumped in and answered with, "He is an immortal, and I'm half-immortal. Somehow that's related too. My friend over here is a sprite."

Bai Fu was shocked. Why in the world is he exposing himself and the first prince of the Heaven realm their status? And he exposed her too! She watched for the mortal Phoenix and woman's reaction. The man didn't seem fazed for some reason but the woman, who she now know is the Saintess Jin Mi, said, "No wonder you can tell fortune. It was also nice meeting a sprite."

The Fire immortal suddenly had enough and pulled Jin Mi to his side by her arm. For some reason, her heart hurt a little. "What's your relationship with Jin Mi?" 

The Saintess replied instead. " He... He is my... He is my friend as well."

Yan You decided to speak once again. "You were holding yourself back in the Heaven. But how did you become... such a jealous person in the mortal world?" 

Jin Mi looked real confused. She glanced at the Fire immortal and back to Yan You. "What? What heaven and mortal?"

"Yan You!" Bai Fu had enough. "Haven't you said enough already," she hissed. What game is he playing now?

"She's right. Yan You, no one will think you are a mute if you are silent," the Night immortal said. His eyes pierced onto the Snake immortal.

The sprite saw him smirked and waved two fingers in the air. She knew exactly what he was doing and went in front of the mortal man holding the lotus symbol. The green clashed with the white as Bai Fu protected the Fire immortal from the spell.

"Yan You, you're going too far," she said. "You do know who we are in the presence of... don't you?"

He gave her a look but then grinned looking behind towards the man she just shielded. "Fire immortal? The Fire immortal hiding behind a mere sprite!" He pushed Bai Fu off into the side towards the Night immortal. The first prince caught her swiftly into his arms and steadied her. 

But being in the arms of Prince Run Yu wasn't on her mind. It was Yan You. What has gotten into him? What was between him and the Fire immortal? Who was Jin Mi too?

Still in the Night immortal's arms, she watched as Yan You successfully placed the spell onto the Fire immortal causing him to become paralyzed. He then taunted the sleeping man by poking him on the shoulder. The Fire immortal couldn't do anything, no, he probably didn't even know what was happening since he's gone for the moment.

The Snake immortal smiled with triumph and turned to the Night immortal. "Great one, I have avenged you. Is it very soothing?" 

Bai Fu got out of his hold. "What does Yan You mean?"

The Night immortal could only give her a look of saddness and walked around her to the mortal woman. He said, "Miss Jin Mi. I first thought we could catch the sight of night-blooming cereus... with you tonight... peacefully and without any bother. But who knew... such a simple wish can't be fulfilled."

"Immortal Run Yu, faith moves mountains. The fairy that you're waiting for... will return sooner or later."

His face brightened up and said, "Right, I will wait for her in the Heaven." 

Now Bai Fu understood the situation.

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