Chapter 18

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The single flower floats in the pristine water of the pond. The pond was located at the center of the floating island that seems to be hidden behind the clouds in the sky. Everything was white with the occasional color specs of flowers. North of the pond was house that's structure covered the small piece of land, the pond was made out of it as well.

The door opens and a handsome man dressed in white exited out of the house. He approached the pond and with a flick of his fingers, a string of web shoots out and attaches itself to the flower that floats at the center of the pond.

Gently, the flower comes towards the shore of the pond to the man. The flower was white and beautiful. Emitting from the lotus was a lot of spiritual energy. It was the White Healing Lotus!   

The man picks up the flower with care and brushed its petal. At the center of the white lotus was a white orb. 

He smiled and placed the spiritual flower back into the waters and it slowly floated back into the center of the pond. This handsome man was the guardian of the White Healing Lotus, Xu Xuan the Spider immortal.

With his spiritual powers, Xu Xuan is able to conceal the floating island from dark and light beings who want their hands on the magical flower. Using his mind of trickery and intelligence, he uses his powers to warps anyone who dares travel to where the white lotus is.

It's been very long since he's hidden the flower here. So far no one has found them or even knows that he was the one who stole it. 

The power of the White Healing Lotus is immense. It can heal any injuries and provide thousands of years of spiritual power. Some rumors says that the flower can even resurrect the dead...

Rumors are rumors. No one really knows if this lotus can even do that, and the Spider immortal made sure of that. She left her in his hands to keepsake and prevent the wrong hands in having her. Xu Xuan made an oath to always protect and watch over her making sure the wrong hands don't get to her. 

Many years went by, and the Spider immortal was still with the White Healing Lotus on the isolated island. He could feel that she was sad. The once luminous pond was becoming dull. It wasn't that her powers were dying but... she was tired.

One day Xu Xuan couldn't continue watching her slowly wilt. He picked her up and plucked the last lively petal. It shimmered and the orb at the center of the white lotus burst into a light swirling around him until it finally settled inside the petal. 

With a broken heart, the Spider immortal kissed her releasing her into the air. The wind picked her up and she flew away. Away from her cage. Away from him. He watches as the white petal was just a spec in the sky.

She'll be sent to the Wheel of Fortune to be reborn. Time. He could only wait to see her once again.

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