Chapter 21

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It was a sense of déjà vu. The blade pointed to her neck brought her back to that time when she rescued him, his bandaged body and accusing eyes that stared at her own thinking she was the one who brought him harm. But this time it was different.

King Yi held a strong gaze, but it wasn't the fear that was shown many weeks ago, it was recognition. He suddenly dropped his blade and pulled Bai Fu tightly into his embrace. 

"Baihe..." he whispered her name. That jolted her heart to start racing. This was the first time the sprite had ever heard his voice say her name. Even though it was her alias name, it still moved her.

"Ki- ugh... i-it's you again," Bai Fu managed to stutter almost calling him King Yi. From his point of view, she doesn't know his identity at all. He pushed her apart from his body still holding tightly onto her shoulders. The two gaze into each other's eyes in silence. For Bai Fu, it was nerve wrecking. She felt her face become warm.

"Let's talk inside," he blurted out and pulled her wrist as they headed inside. They passed by the servants as they entered a large room, they all bowed down and left closing the doors. It was just the Fire immortal and the sprite.

It was quiet and the two just silently looked at each other. You could hear the small crickets outside chirping.

Bai Fu's heart was actually racing at the moment. She's never felt so anxious in her life, and trust her she's lived for a very long time. The handsome man stood in front of her in all his glory. He held a small smile, looking at her hidden face concealed behind the veil.

"I was so worried," King Yi started. "When I heard your place was ransacked and that you were missing, I thought something terrible happened to you... that maybe it was my fault..." 

"First, how did you know I was hiding there?" He pointed down and Bai Fu saw her brown bang hanging to her side like a sore thumb to her light colored clothes. "I saw your bag poking out from behind the plant," he bluntly stated. "What are you doing here anyway?" Shoot...

"Me? What about you?! Why is a man like you here in this big estate... dressed like that too," the sprite exclaimed gesturing his expensive robe that he was currently wearing. From the days they've spent with one another, the Fire immortal never revealed his mortal identity. For now she should play dumb and pretend she had no idea who he was.

He took in a sigh and glanced around the room before returning her gaze. "If I say I was a king would you believe me?" How could this man be so beautiful? She coughed a bit. "Are you saying that you, the injured man that I saved his life, are King Yi?"

He didn't deny it but continued to stare into her eyes just waiting for her to reply. They say the eyes are the windows to a person's soul, it must be true. Bai Fu felt herself being read by King Yi; her identity, her secrets, her life, he was reading her like a book.

"And if I say I just happened to be lost and wandered to your courtyard, would you believe me?"

He smiled.

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