Chapter 28

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Bai Fu couldn't swallow her meal. What did the Heavenly Empress want from her? Perhaps it has something to do with her being from the Flower realm... but she hasn't been there in ages. Or maybe it was what she thought, her involvement with her son.

Ugh! She set aside her food and sat in silence leaning down, her hands supporting her head. The sprite wondered how the Fire Immortal was doing... Wait. How selfish could she be?! She should be wondering how Jin Mi and Qiang Huo are! 

The door to the cell room suddenly opened. Bai Fu braced herself. To her comfort, it wasn't the Empress. The person who opened the door was the masked man. He entered and following behind him were four servants with bundles in their arms.

"Get up and get ready. I'll be waiting outside the door. Don't even think about trying to escape," he stated and exited the room.

The female servants entered her cell and started to strip her.

"W-wait, I can dress myself..."

They ignored her and undressed her leaving her bare naked. Then they dressed her in a pale pink undergarment and set out a white dress with red trim followed by makeup and hair ornaments. 

After a good several minutes, Bai Fu was completely transformed. She guessed the Empress didn't want her to look like a commoner when meeting her...

The four servants left carrying the rest of the stuff out. The masked man peeked in and gestured her to come out. Bai Fu clutched her chest and inhaled deeply. 

As expected, the halls of the Heaven realm's palace is extravagant. It's been quite some time since Bai Fu has returned to the Heaven realm.

They then went out and like before, Bai Fu was in awe of the Heaven realm. The couple continued to walk until before them was a massive building with stairs at the bottom. She could see two guards posted at the top.

The masked man stopped and stepped aside. "From onward you will be going alone. Take this and show it to the guards." He handed her a white jade shaped of a lotus. The tassel was gold. Then the masked man vanished in a blink of an eye. 

The sprite looked around and saw that he really did leave her. Her go up there by herself? She didn't even know where this led to.

Gathering her courage, she lifted the hem of her skirt and slowly went up the stairs. Bai Fu could see that the guards have noticed her presence and her heart starting to pound. What if they think I'm an intruder. She swallowed and trudged with each step her feet took.

They were about to stop her until she flash them the jade. They resumed to their positions and one of the guards announced, "The Daughter of the White Healing Lotus has arrived."

The what?!

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