Chapter 11

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Though her Caterpillar fungus was gone, today's brunch will make up for it. Today the Fire immortal decided to cook: chicken, fish, and bok choy.

It wasn't like the two were ignoring about what happened that morning. If Bai Fu was right, the Fire immortal already knows that he's being hunted down. Perhaps he may leave soon...

The Fire immortal open the lid of the dish in the center. The aroma of the freshly cooked chicken filled Bai Fu's nose. She couldn't wait to dig in after today's incident.

The sprite waited for the immortal to go first, but he gestured her to go first instead. Accepting the gesture, Bai Fu used her chopsticks to take a piece of chicken. She turned around and lifted her mask down and ate it whole heartedly before bringing it back up.

"Hmm!" she exclaimed loudly. The sprite even clapped. "The chicken is very flavorful and tender!"

The list of good characteristics keeps growing. Not only was he handsome, caring, and good at fighting, but he also excels in cooking.

"You sure know your way of the chicken, hehe. I can even taste my Auspicious Six Treasure in here. Awesome!" Bai Fu continued to praise.

Though he was trying to contain his smile, the sprite could totally see he was pleased. 

Bai Fu was about to get more until the immortal brought out a piece of paper and handed it over to her. She took it with her slender hands and read.

Medical fee. A favor shall not be taken for granted. I have nothing to offer for you for saving my life. I can only prepare some plain meals for you to express my gratitude.

She gave him back the paper and said, "Take it, I don't need your offer. Although you are my patient, I've accepted you as my friend. Though I'm not a real doctor, just a passerby-er who knows a little bit of the way of medicine, I would gladly save you again when the time comes again. I've been alone for quite some time, it's really nice knowing you."

If you can heal me, I will grant you a wish one day.

Was he serious? Grant her a wish... If it's him, he would be able to send her to the Flower Realm. Though she's been ordered not to come back, Bai Fu believes some factors have changed that.

One, she's slept for too long underwater. That was something that has never happened before. And two, the sprite had encountered with someone from the Heaven realm who wants to assassinate the Second Prince. That said person has also found out about her existence with the Fire immortal.

Though she knew that the Flower realm detests the Heaven realm, they have to help her somehow. But right now, she can't ask him to grant that wish now.

"Thank you for your offer, but I'm afraid right now you won't be able to grant what I wish for. If one day we cross paths again, maybe then you might be the one who can grant my wish instead."

That's a deal.

Bai Fu smiled and said, "Then it's a promise. Give me your hand."

The immortal glanced at his hand before putting it in front of her. The sprite swiftly interlock their pinkies and put their thumbs together.

"There, it's stamp. No matter what, you better keep your promise to me."

He could only nod his head.

She let go of his hand and grabbed her chopsticks again. The Fire immortal did too and they both ate their brunch.

Bai Fu knew this was probably going to be their last meal together. She couldn't help but feel her heart slowly drop every passing second. Under her long lashes, she gazes at the once immortal man eating.

This will be the last time she will see him in this life... and she hated it.

Feeling that it will be her last seeing him as King Yi, she decided to confess to him. "Everyday, I live my life without thinking about tomorrow. Although I've studied a bit about medicine over the years, you're actually my first patient. To be honest, I'm not a healer at all. Isn't that funny. But somehow the fates had let us cross paths. Let's make a toast!"

Bai Fu lifted her cup of tea up and said, "I would like to make a toast for you. Thank you... for letting us meet... in this life time of yours. I may not actually know if you will recover but you made me realize how wonderful it is to help others. Oh! And thank you for the delicious meal."

She then clicked her cup with his and took a big sip. "Ah! Let's hurry up and eat!"

When Bai Fu woke up in the middle of the night to try and heal the Fire immortal once again, he was already gone. It was no surprise. He just disappeared like the evening dew.

The dread of being alone though crept back inside her small house.

In the morning while she was preparing her breakfast, she spots a note on the table where the immortal would usually fall asleep on. Bai Fu had probably missed it since it was dark.

Dear Lady, I've been sick for a few weeks. Under your good care, I recovered yesterday. Please forgive me for leaving without bidding farewell as I have affairs to deal with back home. We're strangers met by chance, we're from different worlds after all. I don't always make promises to anyone in my life. Nothing can stop me once I make a promise. Wishing you in the best of health. Take care.

She put the paper down and sat in the chair. His letter was very touching...

The feeling of being watch pricked Bai Fu's back. Someone was here!

She dodged by jumping up and throwing the chair towards the intruder.

Where the sprite was sitting before laid a cleanly sliced chair. Both persons looked at each other in silence. No one moved.

It was the masked man in black again. What should she do? Why was he here?

First she needed to escape. She eyed her bag by the door and the jar next to it. If she's fast enough, she could make a run for it and kick the jar towards the man.

The masked man eyed Bai Fu waiting for her to make a move. It was now or never.

She ran towards the door hearing the man behind her follow. The sprite unhooked her bag, twisted around, and kicked the large jar with all her might towards the masked man.

She didn't waste a second to look and made a dash outside. Unfortunately the masked man recovered and leaped over landing in front of her.


"Why have you come here for me?"

"Since you know I have come for you, would you come with me willingly?"

Bai Fu eyed the black sword in his hand. It was the same sword that he used to attack her and the Fire immortal when he was injured badly.

Judging by his body structure, she only had a slight chance to defeat him. Though Yan You taught her martial arts, she wasn't that good with her spiritual powers in combat yet. The masked man in front of her seemed like he was.

"Who commands you to bring me to them?" Bai Fu dared to ask.

"The Heavenly Empress."

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