Chapter 14

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Instead of fleeing the capital like Bai Fu had expected, the Snake immortal led her to an inn he was staying at. Perfect. What trouble is he planning on doing now?

Right after he dropped her off to room, he told her to stay and wait there. Before she could say anything he left in a flash only causing the sprite to sigh in boredom. 

Was she really going to listen to him this time? Hours have already passed... 

Every time Yan You's left her to wait, he goes off on his own and never tells her anything at all. And he expects her to just listen obediently? Bai Fu knew that they were friends, but now she doesn't really feel like they are. Yan You was always secretive with his personal life, and she respected that since she trusted him. But it's not like he doesn't know anything about her personal life.

Then again, she's kept her own secrets as well from him...

"Who cares, I'm going out!" Bai Fu declared grabbing her bag and leaving the inn into the night. She couldn't spend the rest of the night trying to justify herself when she's a bit guilty too. The cold night might cool her head off.

It was quiet outside. No signs of anyone present except for the lights and lamps from the buildings. Bai Fu smiled and stretched out her arms. This was way better than that cramp room.

She turned a corner and halted quickly backtracking her steps. She placed herself on the wall of a building in silence. It was the masked man in black!

The frightened sprite could hear the pit pat of his steps coming closer in her direction. She needed to get out of there before he senses her. Quietly, she removed herself from the wall to make a run for it. Unfortunately, she knocked over a sign and she leaped towards it swiftly catching it. The only problem now is that she was in the view of the masked man.

"Oh no..." she said.

Suddenly, she sensed another presence. The masked man had also sensed it. A red orb passed over Bai Fu's shoulder fast towards the cloaked man. It morphed into another man cloaked in black with his face hidden in a full mask.

The new intruder had went for something the masked man was carrying on his back. An arrow? After the intruder got it, he jumped into the air to escape until the masked man grabbed him by his leg pulling him back down. This was her chance to escape!


Another intruder appeared before her causing her to dodge back to where the other two men were fighting. Dodging the blade, she watched as the second man went and separated the two fighting.

He leaped into the air as the first intruder struck the arrow head towards the masked man but missed as he kicked the arrow up into the air. It glowed red.

What kind of arrow is this?

The second intruder's attention went back to her and she quickly jumped from the spot she was standing in as he sliced the air. 

"W-wait! I'm not with that guy!" Bai Fu tilted her head to the right, the sword missing her by and inch. Yikes. It seems like this guy doesn't care. She could hear the other duo fight as she dodged and ducked from getting hit.

She finally had enough and spun from the blade. Then she kicked up using the man's sword as a lever for support and did a spin-kick on his head. The second intruder flung to the left at the same time the masked man hand pushed the other one causing them to collide and fall to the ground. They both looked at each other and then to the air.

The mysteries glowing arrow was falling down and the masked man used his powers to pull it to his hand. Right before he got it, a flash of familiar fabric appeared in her vision and swiped the arrow. Yan You!

The Snake immortal used the building to flip landing himself next to her.

"Yan You, what are you doing?!"

"Me, what are you doing here. I told you to stay at the inn!"

They could bicker more, though the two men that were on the ground were not there anymore and were heading towards the couple. Without thinking, Yan You lifted Bai Fu up into the air and dodged the two disguised men. He then threw the arrow at the masked man who was still in front of them and caught the sprite back down.

The masked man dodged it and it flew past a third intruder that appeared and onto a wooden pole. The third man turned back around and went for the lodged arrow. As he grabbed it, he ran and the three masked men followed disappearing in a dark red mist.

In the lonely street was now just Yan You and Bai Fu.

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