Chapter 17

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"I didn't expect you to come back so soon," stated a handsome man right outside a shop. The Spider immortal stepped aside and allowed Bai Fu to enter inside.

"I didn't expect myself coming back here either, but this is the only place I can go back to," she said launching herself onto a cushion. She closed her eyes and heard a chuckle followed by a set of china clinging onto the table she set her head on.

The sprite sat up and took the hot cup of tea and sipped it. The aroma wafted her sense of smell and she smiled inhaling the refreshing scent. She glanced at the smiling man in front of her. "It seems like you were waiting for me."

He took a sip for himself as well before replying. "I guess you could say that. I am merely helping a wandering sprite that is in a need of some assistant. Shall I grace you with some of my wisdom?" 

Bai Fu laughed. "No thank you, but thanks for offering. It's kind of a private matter..." She sighed. "Actually, have you ever known someone for such a long time but then... you see a side of them that you never saw before?"

Bai Fu watched his face as he looked down in thought. After a few seconds he said, "Not quite the same situation as what you said, but I did know someone for a very long time."

"Did? What happened to that person?"

"That person... doesn't remember me. Then again, we haven't seen each other in a long time until recently."

"Oh really? Who is this person? Why don't you tell that person?"

Xu Xuan sadly looked at her and said, "When it's the right time I will." Bai Fu gazed into his eyes. They were lonely and sad just like the Night immortal's. This person must have been a lover to the Spider immortal to cause such sadness in his eyes. A sudden spark went into his eyes and he stood up.

"It seems that the night is almost over. You should head to bed. There's a room upstairs you can use. I'll be back later in the morning."

Bai Fu wasn't even able to say bye as he disappeared in a flash of light. She finished her tea and headed up the stairs near the changing room. Along the walls were decorated with beautiful paintings and calligraphy.

The stairs led to a long hallway with many doors on both sides. There was a total of eight rooms. Bai Fu didn't know which room to take, so she opened each door. Each room were similar to one another: one bed, one desk, one chair, and a closet. There were some decorative art on the walls and some blankets provided in the closet.

The last room at the end of the hall was a double sliding door. The sprite slowly opened one door and crept inside. She formed a small orb of light with her spiritual powers. 

The room must have been Xu Xuan's room. It was much grander than the other rooms and the size was triple the size. The bed was a king-size and the room was designed with silks, jade, and gold. Bai Fu was about to leave the room until something caught her eye.

Right across the room was a big portrait. It shimmered a bit at the corner of her eye. She couldn't quite see it clearly so she approached towards the bed where the portrait was put above.

The bottom part of it was lit by her light and gradually extended upwards revealing the whole thing. It was her! Well, that's what Bai Fu thinks she sees. 

The woman in the portrait had a similar outfit to what she was wearing. Her jade like features were very similar to her own facial structures. If Bai Fu hadn't known this belonged to Xu Xuan, she would have assumed that that this was a self-portrait. The same face, clothing, and hair...

The woman held a white lotus in her hands. Just looking at it seemed to bring the sprite some sort of nostalgic feeling. She got onto the bed, each step causing her to sink into the mattress, coming close to the portrait. 

When she was merely a few inches from it, she raised her hand slowly towards the flower. Now that she's closer, the sprite notices a small white orb in the center of the lotus. Right as her index finger touched the round smooth surface, everything turned white.

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