Chapter 24

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The streets were busy. Bai Fu was in a mood for some candy. The two uninvited visitors had left last night with her forgiving one of them, and Xu Xuan left to the Heavenly realm that morning.  

The sprite spotted a tanghulu stand and gladly headed towards it. Right as she was reaching for one stick, another hand had appeared going for the same one. Both retracted their hands and the two turned recognizing each other.


"Ah," she bowed a bit, "It's you again." The hand belonged to the guard of King Yi. Bai Fi glanced at all the stuff in his arms. "Do you need help?"

It appeared that the king was in the need for some "newfangled and expensive stuff" to give to the Saintess. The guard asked her for some assistance in purchasing a gift as she is a woman as well.

"First, let's get you a couple of bags. You might drop some items." He nodded and they headed for a booth that has them.

They couple had been walking for a few minutes after getting two green pouches. So far, there wasn't much that the guard had not bought until something caught Bai Fu's eyes. "Oh! Come quick!" she shouted pulling the tall man behind her.

There was a booth set up with many red covered bowls. The sign below read Wūguī.  

"Excuse sir, may I buy one of these?" The old man nodded and the sprite bought one bowl. 

As they headed back to King Yi's palace, the guard looked down to what was in Bai Fu's hands. "What is that?" 

She smiled up at him, "This?" The sprite gently removed the top of the bowl. Inside was a small baby tortoise. With it was water and many little white decorative rocks. "I think this will be the best gift?"

"How come?"

"Well, for one tortoises are known for good luck. They symbolize hope and a long life. I heard tortoises are the link between heaven and earth too. This little guy has the whole world on its back."

They reached the entranced of the palace. Bai Fu set the red bowl onto his hands. "Here. I hope... King Yi... no... Saintess will like this gift. I know it doesn't seem much compared to the other items you have bought, but if she doesn't like it please take of it."

The guard chuckled a bit and nodded. "Don't worry Miss. Surely this gift won't be left discarded. Would you like me to escort you back to the place you are staying at?"

"Ah... no need, no need. I'm still looking around."

"Well, thank you for helping me. I'll be sure to tell my Lord of your assistance." He turned around and disappeared into the building. 

Bai Fu's mood for candy vanished and she started to head back to the Spider Immortal's shop. For some odd reason she was feeling down. This wasn't the first time she felt this way, and it always happened when it was about the Fire immortal and the Saintess. 

Bai Fu isn't one to know, but this hurting feeling inside her heart... it could only be one thing... 


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