Chapter 19

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It was morning when Bai Fu came to. She had no idea what had happened. The sprite found herself sprawled on the king-sized bed, her hair and clothes a bit disheveled from sleeping. What ever happened last night... The painting! 

Bai Fu sat up and looked at the wall. The same scenery was there, but the woman and flower were no longer present... G-ghost?! She scoffed at herself. There was no way the Spider immortal had a haunted painting. Ghosts aren't even real, right? Then again, humans don't believe in sprites, gods, and demons and they're pretty much real. Who to say ghosts don't exist?'

After washing up and fixing her appearance, the sprite went downstairs to see if Xu Xuan was there. The silk shop was quiet and empty. The door was also shut. She wonders where the Spider immortal have gone to?

Her stomach growled. She checked her bag and found a few gold pieces. Those were enough for some breakfast. Bai Fu exited the shop making sure to lock the door behind her. The streets were lively as expected for a capital village. 

In the air was filled with multiple food aromas. Luckily, Bai Fu had recognize a scent that she loved and was familiar with. Meat buns!

She happily skipped passing by humans following the pleasing smell. The sprite came across a meat bun vendor. 

"May I buy two meat buns please?" the sprite cheerfully asked as she gazed at all the steamy buns before her.

The middle aged woman nodded and said, "Two silver pieces," and then she placed two warm buns into a bag. Bai Fu handed her a gold piece. "Keep the change." The sprite grabbed the bag containing her buns.

Bai Fu strolled along the busy street occasionally taking a bite out of her meat bun. While she passed by one of the buildings, inside she could see a crowd gathered dispersing. Coming towards the exit were two familiar women with veils. It was the Saintess of the Holy Healer Tribe, Jin Mi, and her friend Qiang Huo.

Bai Fu's heart stopped for a moment but then remembered that the first prince erased Jin Mi's memories of that night. That didn't mean she wanted to bump into them, so she carefully turned around and started walking back from the direction she came from. Too late unfortunately.

"Oh! It's you again! We meet again Baihe," Jin Mi said. Her little friend just shot her a suspicious look only the sprite could try to ignore.

"Hello, we do meet again... What were you guys doing in there?" Bai Fu was curious. The two young women were at the center of the crowd.

"We were just telling stories about King Yi's battles," Jin Mi said. The sprite noticed that Qiang Huo slightly pinched the Saintess's arm. 

"I see. That seems interesting."

"We are heading back to the place we are staying at. Baihe, do you want to come with us and chat?"

Should she? She didn't know where Xu Xuan went and she especially didn't want to see that Snake immortal yet. 

"I would love to. Thanks for inviting me Saintess," the sprite said bowing. Jin Mi quickly lifted her up saying, "No need to bow. Just call me Jin Mi."

They arrived to a big building, it started to drizzle a bit. Were the Holy Healer Tribe that famous and prestigious? The place that they are apparently staying at look like royalty. They entered and the sprite saw another familiar face. It was the tall man who was present that one night.

They walked over the bridge and was greeted by him. "Saintess, you're finally back." The three women looked at each other. He continued. "Please come with me to see the king." Did he mean King Yi? Does that mean Jin Mi was staying at the king's residence?!

"The king? What happened to the king?" Jin Mi asked worriedly.

"You'll know when you're there." He gestured her to his right. "This way, please."

She started walking toward that direction. Qiang Huo tried to follow but was stopped by the man. "The Saintess shall go alone," he said and he turned to follow after Jin Mi leaving the girl and Bai Fu alone.

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