Chapter 4

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She jolted up from bed when Bai Fu felt a hand touch her shoulder.

It was dark to see but she knew that body figure anywhere.

"Yan You? What are you doing here?"

"My pretty girl, I just came back from being hung for so long and this is what you ask me?"

"Hung?" She sat up from bed. "What did you this time?"

"Just know that the four greatest pleasures in life are lyre-playing, chess, calligraphy, and painting."

This was new. "What happened to eating, drinking, playing, and enjoying?" She eyed the distressed man strangely.

"I don't know what you mean." He brushed her off, "But I need a place to sleep tonight."

Without her consent, he made his way out of her room to the guest room. She got up and went into the storage box. Inside, she grabbed an extra blanket and pillow for Yan You.

"Yan You, the bed needs to be made!"

Morning came, and Bai Fu was already up making breakfast. Today's menu will be stir fried carrots and boiled chicken, just for Yan You.

A yawn was heard followed by the sound of sliding doors. The Snake immortal was awake.

She looked at the Snake immortal that came out of the room all dressed nicely in pink.

Setting the last dish on the table she asked, "Are you heading somewhere?"

Yan You sat down fixing his robe. He got out a mirror and checked his hair and face. "It's the Birthday Celebration of Heaven Empress."

"And you got invited?"

"No but I have my ways," he winked before digging into the food. "I'll enjoy this meal!"

She sighed. Bai Fu knew whatever he plan on doing wouldn't be good, but what could she do.

"Just don't get yourself in trouble. By the way, this is the third time you visited. Are you missing me too much?" Bai Fu teased poking a chopstick into his shoulder.

He paused and looked up in thought. "Yes, I miss your cooking!" Then he happily started eating again.

Bai Fu sighed again.

After she bid him farewell again, Bai Fu went back to her quiet and simple life of gardening, cultivating, and eating.

Yan You happened to come by again a few days later while she was out. He left a note on the table.

Something urgent has occurred. Nothing to worry about. I won't be able to visit you anytime soon so don't wait for me. I'll find you.

-Handsome Yan You

She smiled sadly. At least he gave her a notice. Bai Fu placed his note in a box where other letters from the Snake immortal were kept.

She assumed he must have gotten into deep trouble with something. It shouldn't be too serious since he was able to contact her. Suddenly a small wave of dizziness whizzed by and Bai Fu caught herself before falling. Shaking her head, Bai Fu went outside.

This sprite won't be having any company soon so it was a good timing. She went on the deck standing on the edge. Tilting her head down, she looked at her reflection in the pond. It was time.

After staring at the ripples of the water, she jumped.

The water was cold but refreshing at the same time. Bai Fu felt her hair and clothes loosening from becoming wet and relaxed as her body sinked . She slowly closed her eyes. Bai Fu felt air bubbles flew up as she went down.

It was weird. Every time she felt dizzy, she has to be taken underwater for a while. If not, Bai Fu will become dizzy and faint with a fever.

It started happening when she was very young and still lived in the Flower realm. She fainted while playing with the petal rain and the Floral Goddess herself carried her to a spring to heal her dizziness!

Thinking about the past brings back painful yet wonderful memories. Bai Fu really missed the Flower realm and everyone in it.

Bai Fu let herself slowly be consumed by the pond.

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