Chapter 34

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The sun was bright. The Water Immortal and Wind Immortal had offered to take Bai Fu to the Floral realm with their daughter Jin Mi. It would be quicker that way for Chief Peony to identify her.

The sprite was very nervous. It had been many years since the last time she's set foot onto the Floral realm. More importantly, Bai Fu couldn't bear to see Chief Peony as well since she casted her out of the realm.

As they landed, Bai Fu was in awe. It was so colorful compared to the Mortal realm and even the Heavenly realm. 

"Jin Mi!" a girl in green shouted in glee. She watched as a sprite from the Floral realm run towards them to Jin Mi giving her a hug. "I miss you dearly!"

"Jin Mi," an old man said gleefully as well. Behind the girl in girl was the elder of the Floral realm, Lao Hu the carrot sprite. The lotus sprite didn't dare to look beyond that point. She already felt the gaze of Chief Peony.

"Let me see," the flower sprite said to the daughter of the Water Immortal. "How are you different after being promoted to High Deity?"

She looked around Jin Mi thinking out loud. "Hmm. Seems no difference."

The carrot sprite disagreed saying, "No, I feel she is different everywhere."

Everyone was smiling but Bai Fu as she lagged behind the group hiding behind the two older immortals.

Jin Mi looked at Chief Peony and another floral lady. "Greetings to Chief Floral Lady. Greetings to Floral Lady HaiTang."

The cheif smiled beautiful, "Thank goodness, Jin Mi has returned safe and sound. Otherwise I'd have failed the late Floral Goddess's trust, and my sins would be irredeemable." Those words hurt Bai Fu.

Was she not important to her? Didn't the late Floral Goddess told them that she was like her own child? Why did she had to go away while Jin Mi had stayed and grew up comfortably at home? She quickly swallowed the jealously down her throat as Water Immortal spoke up.

"Sorry my daughter has made you concerned and worried. It's all my oversight as being a careless father."

"Who would have thought in a mere few days... so many twists and turns have happened," Chief Peony stated. "No wonder the Heaven Realm commanded us not to interfere in Jin Mi's incarnation. Can't imagine there are so many plots and traps behind out back. Our Floral realm are truly fed up!"

"This is also my thought. But don't forget... Zi Fen's last wishes. We need to plan out well for the long run. Don't get the Floral realm involved in this."

Floral Lady HaiTang spoke up. "Without the late goddess's teaching, our sisters cannot attain sacred prowess. Although the late Goddess had instructed repeatedly not to seek avenge, but bullying Jin Mi..."

"I think the Floral realm should take care of another problem right now," stated the Water Immortal. He stepped aside for Bai Fu to walk up. 

The sprite took in a shaken gulp and walked towards the two floral ladies. "Chief Peony..."

"Bai Fu...!"

Ah, how she missed her name being called.

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