Chapter 29

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Before her was the throne where the Heavenly Emperor and Empress were sitting, the colors of gold and white flourished the room. All eyes were on her as she nervously walked to where the crowd was. Quickly she noticed three familiar faces and wished she would just disappear...

Xu Feng, Fire Immortal.

Jin Mi, the Saintess...?

And Dan Zhu, Moon Immortal.

To be expected, the only one who recognized her was the Moon Immortal as he exclaimed, "Baihe?! You're the Daughter of the White Healing Lotus! No way..."

The sprite gave him a desperate look telling him she had no idea either. While giving him the look, Bai Fu's eyes caught Xu Feng's from behind the Moon Immortal. The Fire Immortal grinned a bit and slowly tapped his throat.

It couldn't be that he remembered her?

She stood at the end away from the Fire Immortal and bowed to the Heavenly Emperor and Empress not saying anything as she didn't even know what to say in the first place. Bai Fu kept her eyes to the ground occasionally glancing up.

"As I was saying," the Empress was smiling brightly while staring at the new guest, "Jin Mi has no right to return to the Heaven Realm... to become the Floral Immortal."

She looked at her husband and then returned her gaze back to everyone. "According to law, Jin Mi should once more return as human, to experience the seven sorrows before she can be an immortal. And while she is back in the Mortal Realm, the Daughter of the White Healing Lotus should take the role as Floral Immortal."

What?! Her? What is going on? If Jin Mi is really supposed to be the new Floral Immortal then she is... the late Floral Immortal's daughter!

How did everyone here find out if the people from the Floral Realm swore secrecy? Unless from that time long ago, when that Snake Immortal told her about the Fire Immortal falling into the Floral Realm. Was that grape sprite Jin Mi?

"The reason for the change of fate in Jin Mi's redemption... is because an immortal wemt down to earth... and alerted Jin Mi's fate. And who to say this girl is really from the White Healing Lotus, she could be someone you just found," said a handsome man in blue.

"Water Immortal, what are you trying to say? This girl is definitely from the herb too. Her sign was clearly the lotus."

The Water Immortal replied smoothly, "For the sake of Justice. Fire Immortal should be questioned."

The Heavenly Empress looked shocked but sat quietly as the Fire Immortal raised his arms and lowered his head.  

"I have selfishly leaped into the Wheel of Karma and Fortune. I have disrupted Jin Mi's fate, so I should be the one to blame. It had nothing to do with Immortal Jin Mi. I hope Your Mastesty will keep your word... and let Jin Mi become an immortal. Please Your Majesty punish me for my wrongs. Regarding the Daughter of the White Healing Lotus though, I have also seen her sign of the lotus. I do not think at all she could be a fraud as she had saved my life."

Xu Feng...

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