Chapter 30

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A bitter yet sweet feeling warmed her heart. The sweetness was tarted from the fact that it wasn't just her that the Fire Immortal protected. Bai Fu tried to erase the itchiness in her chest and continued to stand her ground awaiting to what the Heavenly Emperor would say next.

The emperor was silent. He gazed at his son and then to the sprite which she forced herself not to flinch. 

He sighed and said, "Xu Feng, as Fire Immortal... you've violated the law. Therefore, according to law, I hereby punish you to isolation. For half a month, you shall be banned from leaving Qi Wu Palace."

"Yes," he said obediently. 

"As for Jin Mi," the Heavenly Emperor carried on but was interrupted by his wife, the empress.

"Fairy Jin Mi's Failure in redemption is a fact. If she forcefully becomes an immortal... I'm afraid, that is against the laws of Heaven. But the Heaven have found us the last bit of hope in finding the White Healing Lotus. With the Daughter of the White Healing Lotus, we may be able to find the herb if she's placed as Floral Immortal."

"I object your Highness. May I please to your Majesty and Highness privately," Bai Fu managed to squeak out.

Silenced filled the room.

"Immortal Yuanji," started the Heavenly Emperor.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" A pretty woman in white that stood beside the sprite replied. 

"Jin Mi's redemption as a human... may have lacked one sorrow, but she has gone through many sufferings. If she were to transcend into immortality... will it affect the astrology signs?"

"According to the laws of Heaven, Fairy Jin Mi indeed has failed her redemption," stated Immortal Yuanji, "However, I have just carefully deduced. Though Fairy Jin Mi's redemption... may not be complete, the pain that she has experienced were all great sorrows." 

The more this immortal talked, the angrier the Heavenly Empress seemed to be.

"She has used her primordial spirit to attain purification. If she were to transcend into immortality, I believe there will be no harm to the gods. Neither will it negatively affect the Heaven Realm."

"Very well then," the emperor said satisfyingly. "Daughter of the White Healing Lotus, you do not want the immortality?"

Bai Fu could only shake her head in agreement avoiding the strong glare from the Heavenly Empress. Why in the world did she wanted her to be the Floral Immortal anyway? Bai Fu hasn't set foot into the Floral Realm since she has been banished. She was kidnapped too by the Heavenly Empress!

The said empress interjected. "Your Majesty, this is an important thing that will affect all the six realms! We have the descendant of the White Healing Lotus right here in front of us!"

The Heavenly Emperor halted silenced her with his hand and finally said, "Jin Mi. I hereby announce...  you are now fit to transcend into immortality. And as so. you shall be the new Floral Immortal."

Bai Fu closed her eyes in relief. For a second, she thought the Emperor would listen to the Empress regarding her as the Floral Immortal. She opened her eyes to see a happy Moon Immortal and Jin Mi lifting her arms saying, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"However, all these years... Chief Zhang has kept Floral Realm in good shape. Also, I am playful and inexperienced. If I were to become Floral Immortal, I fear I might have to forever guard Floral Realm. I would much rather prefer being by my father's side... and spend time with my father," Jin Mi stated turning to face the older handsome gentleman in blue. 

"I hope Your Majesty will grant my request."

Hold up! What about this Daughter of some lotus's request?! Bai Fu did not want to become the Floral Immortal!

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