Chapter 13

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"Xu Xuan, Spider immortal."

"An immortal... I'm just a water lily sprite, Baihe."

Bai Fu was inside the changing room full of perplexity. He must have cultivated a lot of spiritual power. She couldn't sense him at all when he was behind her, and Bai Fu had a good number of years of cultivating.

This was the third deity she's met in her entire life in the Mortal realm! She wonder what his reason was to live in this realm rather than the Heaven realm. For Yan You, Bai Fu knew he lived in the Mortal realm for the human leisure activities. The sprite wondered why the Spider immortal was here.

The hanfu was very beautiful. Bai Fu pinned her hair half up with the headpiece. Dangling from it was a strand of ribbon. Lastly, she tied the white veil over her nose and mouth before exiting the room. 

"Come over here. Have some tea," hollered Xu Xuan. Across where she stood were big windows. The Spider immortal sat at the table by them with two cups and a teapot.

When she sat down, he poured her a cup.

"Why is a sprite from the Flower realm here in the Mortal realm?" Xu Xuan questioned taking a sip of the hot tea with elegance.

Bai Fu carefully took a sip as well replying, "I left the Flower realm a long time ago. I've come to the Mortal realm to cultivate on my own. What about you? Why is a deity from the Heaven realm here in the Mortal realm?"

He grinned showing his crescent eyes to her. "This is just my shop in the Mortal realm. When I have nothing to do in the Heaven realm, I come down here and sell my clothes."

"Your clothes? You made all of these?"

"I did. I am a spider."

"That's amazing! All of these are beautiful, you must get a lot of customers."

"I somewhat do," he said looking behind her. "We have a guest."



She turned around stunned.

"Yan You?!" she shouted. Though it was him, he was dressed weirdly. He had on a fortune teller hanfu with fake facial hair on his upper lip and chin.

Bai Fu still couldn't believe her eyes. How many years has it been? Twenty one years? So many feelings flooded through her as she looked at Yan You who had just entered the shop and called out her name.

The sprite in shock stood up as the Spider immortal followed. The two watched as the very concerned immortal barged inside towards them and grabbed her by the shoulders. He ripped off the veil causing her face to be bare allowing Xu Xuan to see her face.

Not even noticing the other immortal in the room, Yan You scanned her face and then checked her body as if she was hurt. 

"Yan You... How did you find me?" Bai Fu whispered softly. She was baffled. The capital was far from her old village. Then again, it was the perfect place for a snake to be entertained.

"My pretty girl... Where have you been?! I looked every where for you, but you've vanished!" He turned to see the other immortal in the room. "Xu Xuan, Spider immortal, what are you doing here with her?" Yan You was glaring at the Spider immortal.

The immortal smiled putting his hands up. "I did nothing and this is my shop," Xu Xuan calmly said. "Though, I didn't know you were acquainted with Miss Baihe."

"Huh?" Bai Fu pointed at the two of them when Yan You let go of her. "You two... know each other?!" 

"Of course we do, we go way back," the Spider immortal smiled.

That response got the Snake immortal angrier.

"Ah ah! Yan You, don't start a fight. Xu Xuan just helped me out," the sprite said stopping him from attacking Xu Xuan. "How can you do that to my benefactor?"

"Baihe, you better start talking."

It was late in the evening when Bai Fu finished explaining everything to Yan You, who have also gotten out of his disguise, minus the part about her issue and that the man she saved was King Yi, the Fire immortal. She lied to him that she traveled a bit to cultivate and didn't notice that two decades have passed. Xu Xuan had left to give them some privacy. Fortunately, he didn't questioned about anything.

"How could you go around and not contact me at all?" Yan You asked.

She replied, "Sorry, how am I supposed to contact you anyway? I could only talk to the flowers for such a long distance." Bai Fu slapped him hard on the back startlingly him. "I guess you missed me a lot. Before you would only miss my food."

"Ow... All you do is hit me!" He gave her a concerned look. "Does that mean that masked man is still out there?"

She nodded and said, "Possibly. I didn't know how long my barrier will hold so I ran all the way here. Who knew I lived that far from this village. Liang Guo is no joke. By the way, why were you dressed that way? You looked ridiculous."

"Oh this?" He lifted the disguise up. "I was fortune telling."

"I see," she blandly said.

Yan You perked up a bit. "Want me to tell you your fortune?"

"No thanks, I like my life to be full of surprises."

Pouting with his face leaning on his hand, the Snake Immortal stated, "You're no fun Baihe. At least you managed to get out of your old home and venture out for twenty years."

Though what he said was true, Bai Fu was forced to go out of her home. If she hadn't slept for so long, the sprite would still be in the comfort of her home eating warm buns from the village.

"I'm guessing your talk is finished," Xu Xuan said as he appeared back into the shop. He strolled to where we sat.

"And the bug is back..." 

"Yan You!" Bai Fu shouted disapprovingly.

"It's okay, I'm very used to his banter," the Spider immortal smiling said. "It seems as if he never shed a bit."

"Pft... Ahaha!" Bai Fu couldn't help but giggle. That was pretty punny.

Yan You sent her a deadpanned look, totally not amused by Xu Xuan's joke. He stood up. "Well, we are both heading out. It's about time we leave."

Bai Fu looked up at him confused. "We? You mean me too?" she questioned pointing to herself.

"Yes you."

Oh! Yan You is probably going to get her away from this place. As of now, she should leave as soon as possible before the masked man comes back! She quickly tied her veil back on.

"Ah yes! We should get going." Bai Fu followed Yan You out before bowing to Xu Xuan. "Thank you for the clothes and tea."

He patted her shoulder and said, "No worries. I hope to see you again Baihe."

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