Chapter 23

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It was in in the late evening when Xu Xuan had guests, and one of them Bai Fu did not want to meet.

"I said I was sorry. My pretty girl, don't stay mad and please forgive me," the Snake immortal pleaded. The sprite could only sigh and turn her head and face the other way as the three sat at the table while the Spider immortal went to prepare tea.

She hadn't think he would come to her so soon and with a guest. "So, may I ask who are you again?" Next to Yan You across the table was a very young man. He wore a white robe with red lining and had his hair half pulled up in a top knot.

"I'm the Moon immortal, Danzhu. Ahaha! So, are you sure you don't want this. I promise you it will find you love!" he joyfully said placing a red silk string on the table. The sprite wasn't sure if this immortal was really the Moon immortal in charge of love and marriage for mortal beings. 

His appearance really made him look like a little brother she would have, and there was no way he was older than her. He is supposed to be the Heavenly Emperor's little brother?

For some reason though, when he offer her the string she thought of the Fire immortal. Bai Fu didn't know why. The Moon immortal gestured the string to her face. Perhaps it may bring her some sort of luck, it doesn't hurt to have it.

Bai Fu snatched it and quickly hid it in her sleeves. "I'm just taking it because I feel bad," she stated as the Snake immortal laughed at her embarrassment. Danzhu nodded in pleasure that the sprite decided to take his red string of love.

At that moment, Xu Xuan came back with the freshly made tea. He poured each of them a cup before pouring himself one. 

"Xu Xuan, so this is where you hide out to. I've always wondered where you disappeared to when I didn't see you at Lianhua Pavilion. But I have to say, this shop and view," he winked in Bai Fu's direction who didn't have her veil on, "is very nice to see in the Mortal realm. I wouldn't want to leave either."

The sprite got shivers down her spine. The Spider immortal chuckled as he sipped his tea. He looked at the Moon immortal and said, "Not at all. This is just a small business I own to pass the time. I met Baihe only recently."

"Ah I see, I see. I've heard many things about you through Yan You," Danzhu cheerfully said turning to the sprite. "Only good things I hope," she said giving the Snake immortal the stink-eye.

"I wouldn't think a being from the Flower realm would reside in the Mortal realm. Why don't you come and visit the Heaven realm with me. I'm sure you'll meet many more immortals. Maybe you'll find love there."

Before she could say anything, both the Snake and Spider immortal said:

Yan You: She's not going with you!

Xu Xuan: She's fine, thanks.

Bai Fu was surprised while the Moon immortal only chuckled in amusement. "Well then Baihe, I hope that when you do visit the Heaven realm, come see me. I'll show you around."

Bai Fu nodded awkwardly glancing at the other two immortals weirdly. What's up with them?

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