Chapter 22

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The sprite found herself back at Xu Xuan's shop a bit dismayed. It was already dark by the time she walked back. She was currently downstairs sitting at the table by the closed window. Laying her head down, she just couldn't believe what had happened.

Right when she was at the closest she could be with the Fire immortal, that darn guard had to show up at the exact moment! Wait! Why would she even want to be close to King Yi for crying out loud?!

Bai Fu sighed and thought about what happened. When he smiled at her, it just gave her a warm fuzzy feeling. Right when he opened his mouth to reply, the door abruptly opened ruining the moment of the couple's reunion.  

The guard looked really confused on why she was there with King Yi, so Bai Fu used that moment to excuse herself stating that she was lost and should probably get going. King Yi obviously let her go stopping the guard from moving so she was able to slip by dashing towards the exit.

The sprite wished she could hear what he had to say. 

She heard a door slide open and appeared Xu Xuan, the Snake immortal. "Oh Baihe, you're still here?" he said as he closed the door. Bai Fu nodded before laying her head back down. She was still bummed out from earlier.

The Snake immortal chuckled a bit and asked, "What got you feeling down?" She turned her head over and watched him preparing tea. "Oh it's nothing. Xu Xuan, I have a question to ask you actually."

He finished bringing the tray over to where she was at sitting across from her. He poured her a cup of hot tea and slid it over to her. Bai Fu gladly accepted it and took a small sip. She smiled tasting the nice aroma.

"So now that you're smiling, what is this question you wanted to ask me?"

Bai Fu thought for a moment so that she wouldn't sound crazy when she asks him. Finally organizing her thoughts she asked, "You know that painting upstairs in the master bedroom, not that I snooped or anything!" she quickly added. "Where did you get it?"

He smiled glancing down at his cup of tea for a second before looking up into her eyes. "It was a gift from someone important. It helps me see a person that I miss."

"Oh I see," she said. Processing what the Snake immortal just said, the painting must have been magical. The person in the painting was probably someone Xu Xuan misses, so it would make sense on why she disappeared.

She let out a relief letting her stiff shoulders relaxed. She didn't encounter a ghost at all, it was just magic. Bai Fu noticed the Snake immortal looking at her with a questioning gaze. The sprite laughed a bit and said, "I was just wondering. It looked very beautiful. Not that I sneaked in to see it... I just happened to pass by it."

He laughed crinkling his eyes. "Thank you. I also think she's very beautiful too." Not catching what he clearly said, Bai Fu nodded in agreement finishing up her cup of tea.

"Well thank you for the tea Xu Xuan. I hope you don't mind me staying here for another night."

"I don't mind at all. You can stay here as long as you like. Those rooms up there are always empty."

"Thank you. Have a good night." Bai Fu stood up and bowed walking towards the stairs. 

"Good night... Bai Fu."

Unfortunately for the sprite, she did not here the last part to what the Snake immortal said.

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