Chapter 5

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Wake up.

That's what Bai Fu thought when her senses came back to her. Opening her eyes, she realizes that she was still under water! Looking up, she could till the day has gone by and it was already night time.

She tried moving but couldn't. Her body felt stiff and weak. How long has she been here for? Bai Fu started with her toes and fingers. Just little by little she warmed up her extremities with tiny movements until she finally could swim up.

Upon reaching the surface, Bai Fu gasped for air that has been absent from her body. It was too dark to see anything so she swam to the edge of the pond. Holding onto the plants at the edge, Bai Fu heaved herself out of the water slowly. Her body was still feeble.

Her damp hair fell beside her body and she saw the length of it.


How long was she under the water for? She shakedly stood up. Black wet locks came from the top of her head down to her ankles! Her outer robe was long gone and only the white inner robe was left.

Her heart started racing as she looked around the area she was in. This wasn't home but... was home?

The house that stood strong for over three thousand years was now tattered and broken. Many of the trees that once surrounded the place were gone.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she slowly approached the entrance to her house. The sliding door was torn and already open. She entered and gently closed the broken door.

Inside was in ruins. Some items were either missing or broken. Bandits?

Before looking around more, Bai Fu went to see if she could find anything to wear.

As she thought, her small jewelry box and her beautiful dresses and robes she collected were all gone. All that was left were some plain men's clothing all dustied and worn.

It was better than wet inner robes.

Bai Fu stripped quickly and threw on the familiar black robe. She found a broken bronze shard and cut her hair back to the regular length before drying her black hair and tying it into a bun.

She couldn't stay here. Not only she didn't know how long she's been under water cultivating, Bai Fu felt like this place isn't safe anymore.

Using her spiritual powers, Bai Fu created a cool white light sphere for light. She made her way around the house collecting things that could be useful for her to travel.

She found: an old sling bag, some coins, a small dagger, and her black mask. Unfortunately, her box of letters from Yan You was gone as well. Bai Fu wondered how he was. Was he okay? Did he know she was gone?

She sat down on the empty bed in her room and laid down. How could she fall asleep if she's already been asleep for... She doesn't even know!

Bai Fu sighed and got up. If she couldn't sleep, let her cultivate! Crossing her legs with her back straight, the sprite shaped her fingers into the lotus symbol, something that the late Floral Goddess showed her.

All through the night Bai Fu cultivated and also absorbed all her stored power she'd gather under water.

Once she was finished, the sunrise was up and morning had come. The birds sang and sunlight poured through the cracks and holes of the house. Now she could see all the damage.

Inside was just like an abandoned house. Her garden had turned into weeds, the dock had holes, and everything around her wasn't as flourished as it once was.

Grabbing her bag, she slipped on her mask in case she didn't actually sleep for too long. Bai Fu didn't want any trouble if someone from her past saw that she hasn't changed at all.

The small village that used to be lively was abandoned. Many broken armor and weapons were scattered across the buildings. A war must have happened. She didn't know what to do or who to ask now.

There were no mortals in sight to tell her anything. She could walk for days, but who knows when she'll find the next village close by. Who to say if there are any villages near by?

"Excuse me young sir? Are you lost?"

Surprised, Bai Fu snapped her head to the voice. Though it was hard to tell, she knew it was the bun vendor!

He was very old now. His hair was white and his figure had become fragile looking. Bai Fu guessed around two decades have passed.

"Ugh, yes... Can you tell me what happen here?"

The old man came out of his house and urged Bai Fu to come inside to settle down.

"Well it happened about two decades ago, the world was in chaos and there was no leader. The people of these nine states couldn't live peacefully. Their lives were filled with sufferings. Until the day a young man came... and he saved the situation. He led his own army and fought in the war himself! He killed off all the evil that wanted power. He is now our king, King Yi."

"King Yi?"

"Yes, he is our king and peace saver. God of War!"

"God of War...?" What a coincidence, another God of War. "Mister, why are you still here?"

"Ah. Everyone fled during the war. I came back. This is my home and will always be my home. The war has already ended now that King Yi is here."

"I see. Do you know where the next village is?"

"I see that you young man are lost." He got up and went inside a room. The old man came out with a bag of coins.

"Take this. I think you need it more than I do."

"I can't, I can't! This is your money."

"No worries," he placed the bag firmly into her hands, "Being able to see you alive and happy after such a long time gives me joy."

Bai Fu started crying. The old man just laughed and patted her back. 

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