Chapter 3

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"I thought we were gonna go through the entrance like normal guests. Why did we sneak in?" Bai Fu complained.

Currently she was lost somewhere in the Heaven realm. Instead of roaming, she hid herself in the woods near where the Snake immortal left her.

She had to admit it. The Heaven realm does speak for itself; it was up in the sky with clouds as the scenery. It was very beautiful, but it wasn't as beautiful as the Flower realm.

"Where did he go...?

She squatted down and placed her head on her knees. A few more minutes pass.

"Ah!" She clutched her head in pain and knew exactly who caused her pain.

"Yan You! You snake! You left me alone!"

And low and behead, the snake was there smiling while crouching down in front of the sprite picking up the item he threw at her.

"Here, a gift. Five hundred years worth. I'm sorry, something urgent came up."

In his hand was a red orb. Five hundred years was a lot. She gave him one last look and snatched the small hot orb absorbing the spiritual power.

"Thank you and you're forgiven. Where did you go in such a rush? I thought you abandon me... It's already dark too."

He put his hand on his chin in thought. "Hm, a friend of mine was in trouble. I was just helping."

"I see. Well what did you have planned anyway. What if we get discovered by the Heaven realm? We sneaked in too!" Bai Fu slapped his back.

After hitting him a few more times, Yan You finally gave her a tour and a bit of history of the Heaven realm. Even though the tour was done at night and in discreet.

When the late Floral deity passed away, for some reason no flowers were able to survive in the Heaven realm after that.

All the flowers here currently were just clouds made by the Heavenly Emperor Tai Wei. So if she were to pluck any of flowers in the Heaven realm, it will vanish in a cloud of well, cloud.

After a few days hiding in the Heaven realm, Yan You sent her back to her home in the Mortal realm.

"Thank you, it was a fun adventure." They were currently in front of her house.

"No problem Baihe. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. You should get out more. There's so much to see but you choose to stay in this place."

And with arms folded in front, the Snake immortal flashed up in green lights and disappeared. She was alone again.

Yan You usually visits at least every few years. It was the first time he's visited twice in a short amount of time.

Bai Fu wished he does this often. If Yan You wasn't visiting, she was back to being in solitude and she hated it.

Being alone sucked but she wasnt going to tell that to the eccentric snake. He had his own tasks to do other than being her company 24/7. She needs new friends, but it was hard since she doesn't age.

She went inside and changed back into plain women's clothing having half her hair pulled up in an updo. Bai Fu slipped her mask off too.

Staring back at her in the bronze reflection was a small fair skinned face. The face had big brown eyes with lushes of lashes, a small but slim nose, and full flush lips.

She had to agree with Yan You. She was quite pretty and was satisfied with it. Bai Fu never likes to brag but low-key she gloats a bit when staring at her reflection.

Months flew by fast. Everyday Bai Fu tends her garden, cultivates, and takes walks through the village.

Today was a nice sunny day. A small breeze cools her skin. Bai Fu was in the mood to eat out.

The village was lively as ever. Some of the vendors that Bai Fu was a regular to waved.

"What can you ask more from life. Cheers!"

"Yan You?" She turned her head towards the restaurant she heard his voice at. Through the open window she could see the back of his green robe.

Bai Fu was going to call out his name but stopped her half-raised hand. The Snake immortal wasn't alone, he had friends with him. She didn't want to disturb them and decided to head to the bun vendor instead.

She spotted the worn out cart and old man. "Hello! May I have two buns please?" Bai Fu politely requested.

"Ah! Baihe, I'll give you an extra for free. Seeing your pretty face today gives me joy."

"Really?" She laughed, "Thank you. Good luck with sales today." Bai Fu payed the old man and got her three warm buns.

She ate one bun along the way back home. Seeing a tall figure dressed in blue standing in front of her house, Bai Fu halted.

As if he felt her staring, the figure turned around to her and both just stared at each other.

Wow! Bai Fu was in shock. He was really handsome! This was the first time she's seen anyone so handsome other than the Water immortal.

This man definitely is in par with the Water immortal.

She approached him first. "Hello, did you need something from me? This is my house."

The man looked confused for a bit and mumbled something about fairchild and home.

"I apologize. I seem to be have been told wrong. I'm looking for a someone."

"Ah I see. Would you like to come inside? Maybe I can help you."

The young man nodded and stepped aside so Bai Fu could lead the way.

They settled at the table outside on the deck. The sunlight glistened on the pond and the water lilies were in bloom.

"Help yourself..." Bai Fu trailed gesturing the tea and buns.

"Xu Feng, Fire immortal."

She was lost for words. Why was the second prince of the Heaven realm himself down here in the Mortal realm! At her house on top of that!

"Your highness..." She quickly bowed but was dismissed by Xu Feng.

"I am called Baihe, just a water lily sprite," she replied coolly. "May I ask who you're looking for?"

"A servant in Qi Wu Palace has gone missing. I'm looking for her. Have you seen a fairchild wearing grape vine?"

Bai Fu remembered seeing Qi Wu Palace when Yan You brought her to the Heaven realm. It was the Fire immortal's palace.

"Actually, I did. I saw her eating at a restaurant in the village. I'm not sure if she's still there though, but it's a start."

Bai Fu clearly remembered a side view of a figure in purple beside the Snake immortal.

"Really? Thank you. I'll take my leave now."

"Ah yes," and she bid him farewell.

She hopes that the Fire immortal Xu Feng finds his servant. 

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