Chapter 33

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Not wanting to pry into their secretive conversation they had, Bai Fu stated, "I guess you really can't show me around the Heaven realm then." She smiled at him and glanced around the maleficent place.

The handsome immortal returned her smile with his own. "No but I can show you around here."

After giving her a tour of his palace and showing her her room, they went to his room to eat the snacks the servants from before prepared. 

Taking a lotus shaped cookie, the sprite said, "To be honest, I didn't think I would come across you again." She was nervous, very nervous. Instead of eating the snack, Bai Fu just held it admiring the details to avoid eye contact with the second prince. 

"I believe you," he randomly said.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Back in the Mortal realm, I was going to tell you that I believed you."

Right! The last time they had seen each other, Liao Yuan had interrupted Xu Feng from replying to her question. Him remembering that warmed her heart. 

She couldn't contain her giggle of joy and let it out. "It's very nice that you did believe me." Pausing for a moment, she put the cookie down and finally looked at him in the eyes. Black round eyes stared back at her as they looked at each other in silence. 

Longing and confliction. That's what she saw when looking into his eyes.

"I've always wanted to know how you look like behind that mask you wore. You're beautiful," Xu Feng said. Bai Fu flushed and coughed to break the eye contact. There he goes again making her fluster, but she knew her heart isn't the only one who's being fluttered by the Fire Immortal.

"You know this is our third time meeting each other. Have you heard the saying that if you meet a person three times, it is destiny," he grinned at her.

"Destiny? Hmm?" Bai Fu fake thought rubbing her chin. "I don't know. Perhaps the times we have met are just coincidences," she grinned back. Is this what flirting is like? Teasing and joking with some you like? Wait? Did she just admit that she likes the Fire Immortal?!  She pushed those thoughts inside her head.

"Is it a coincidence that the Fire Immortal and the Daughter of the White Healing Lotus come across together multiple times?  I say rather than destiny it is fate. I haven't forgotten what you've done for me in the Mortal realm."

"Even if it were not you who I have saved, I would have still save," she said softly. "With my healing powers... it would be a sin not to use."

Just him mentioning the Mortal realm resurfaced warm memories to her. She smiled in thought but concealed it by shoving a cookie in her mouth.

He chuckled at her antics and took a cookie for himself enjoying this moment with her.

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