Chapter 25

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News spread of King Yi going into battle. Bai Fu didn't really know what the war was about, but everyone around the capital didn't seem to be that worried. Perhaps his name God of War wasn't a fluke.

After leaving the comfort of her home, Bai Fu realized how scary the Mortal realm is. There's so much death here. And all of this is caused my money, power, and war.

A few weeks passed by, and the sprite had received a letter from the Saintess. 

I heard you've been staying at this silk shop.

We have not seen each other for a while.

I have been feeling ill lately. 

I feel like these few days will be my last.

If you are free, please come by.

-Jin Mi

The sprite dropped the letter and quickly gathered her things to leave for King Yi's palace. Why was she notified now?! Bai Fu prayed to the gods that she wasn't late. 

Upon arriving, she was escorted to the Saintess's room. 

Jin Mi was lying in bed, half her body was up as Qiang Huo was feeding her medicine.

"Jin Mi?! Are you alright?! What caused you to be like this?" Bai Fu came rushing in opening her bag out to some medicine pills she refined before. 


As she kneel downed beside the sick women's side, she grabbed her wrist to feel her pulse. The Saintess's complexion was pale and the natural healthy glow she had before were no longer present. 

"This poison..." The sprite looked at Jin Mi and then at Qiang Huo. Both of the women avoided her gaze. "What... no... how...?" She took off her bag dumping all of its content out.

A suddenly burst of energy appeared in the room. Before Bai Fu could react, she was hit on the side with a powerful force knocking her to the other side of the room. Pain and heat was all she could feel from her side as she forced her eyes to open.

Seeing a familiar masked man pointing an arrow at the two, Bai Fu's heart sank. "Look out!"

As the dark aura arrow was shot, it was whipped to a different direction sending relief to the sprite. A woman in purple was in sight fighting against the masked man. 

"Who are you?" shouted Qiang Huo, but the couple continued to fight each other.

Using this distraction, Bai Fu crawled her way to the arrow, the same arrow that Snake immortal had fought for. Just what exactly is this arrow? 

She saw Qiang Huo grabbed Jin Mi and then quickly glanced at the masked man and purple dressed woman.

Right as she was about to grasp it, an arm hooked around her neck tightly. Both her hands flew to her neck as she watched the other arm throw the arrow at Qiang Huo and Jin Mi. Her eyes widen in fear as the arrow flew closer and closer.

"Jin Mi! Qiang Huo!" Bai Fu yelled in fear as she struggled to get out of his grip.

Hearing her cry, Qiang Huo turned around and with arms wide out blocked the arrow. And it hit her making the arrow vanish.


The masked man tightening his grip once more teleported, taking Bai Fu with him just as he wanted to months prior. 

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