Chapter 20

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In the end after waiting for a good bit, the sprite decided to leave the place known as the Northern Garden Villa. She glanced at the sky and saw that it was already in the late evening. Qiang Huo offered to lead the girl to the exit but she looked like she was eager to stay and wait for Jin Mi to come back, so Bai Fu declined and tried to find the exit herself. 

It was actually a bad decision. Maybe Bai Fu should've accepted the girl's offer as she has no idea where she was at in this big estate. Surprisingly there weren't much servants or guards passing by, so the sprite was able to move around the place without getting caught. 

When she was about to give up, the pop of the color red caught her attention before she turned to another hallway. 

It was a beautiful square-shaped courtyard! The corners of the open place had trees covered in white flowers. In the center was a gazebo with a stone table and a few chairs. The main piece of the place were the red lanterns that hanged. They decorated the court yard making it feel like she was at a mini festival. 

She walked outside and twirled around looking at the red lanterns. They were a nice sight to see! Bai Fu stopped to take a closer look at one. Shaped like a lotus, the red paper lantern had a familiar bird painted on it with blank ink. Each drawing were similar but not the same. What a coincidence that these hand-made lanterns were phoenix lanterns... 

"Let's hurry before the king arrives!"

"Yes, everyone get in position!"

Bai Fu saw a few maidservants and servants arriving, so the sprite dove behind one of the small stairs. Luckily there was a plant blocking the rest of her body. She couldn't tell what exactly was going on but after a few minutes she heard doors sliding open followed by a couple foot steps. Someone's entering the courtyard!

"All these phoenix lanterns are for you. Do you like them?" King Yi's voice! Who is he asking that? The person must have nodded as he continued on.

"I made these when I first learned how to make phoenix lanterns. They weren't nice. I planned to throw them away."

"Did you make all of these?" It was Jin Mi... Was this the reason why he had to see her? Bai Fu's heart hurt a little.

"If you don't like these lanterns, you can just throw them away."

"I like them. I like them all." 

"Jin Mi."

"My Lord, I'm a little tired. I'll take my leave." Behind the plant, she could hear the Saintess's footsteps leaving the courtyard. There was a heavier one after Jin Mi left. 

"I've missed another good opportunity. I should have stopped her just now, shouldn't I?"

"I think that..." the guard from before said, "you should stop her just now."

"Take these lanterns to her house... Actually, take them away later. You may go now."

"Yes my Lord." Bai Fu waited till there were no sound. It was finally quiet. Was the coast clear?

"Show yourself. Get up while I'm asking you nicely." No way... Not her possibly?

"That's right. You over there in the corner. Get out from behind the stairs." Oh no! What should she do? Run? Escape? Surrender?

"Don't even think about running away." The king was coming closer as he spoke. "Because if you do, you'll die in my hands."

Bai Fu immediately stood up with her arms up. The sword went to her neck.

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