Chapter Fourteen: Confused...?

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* Ginny's P.O.V. *

I needed to find out what was up with Ron and Hermione.

Last night, I heard them screaming and shouting, and then Ron storms in, close to tears. It was frightening.

Then Vanessa comes running in, hands over her face, screaming.

Hermione wasn't there at all when I opened the portrait hole and searched the corridor.

And now today, Ron and Hermione sat at opposite ends of the table during breakfast, and didn't speak to eachother all Herbology lesson, even though we were all pruning the same Fanged Geraniums.

Finally, as we all sat down for lunch, I asked Hermione,

"What was that all about last night?"

Her jaw clenched.


It was more of a statement than a question. She piled Steak-and-kidney pudding onto her plate.

"Oh, know...the whole...shouting...Ron crying...Vanessa with fungus all over her face..." I answered timidly, pouring myself a large goblet of pumpkin juice.

"It's nothing Ginny."

I scoffed, so irritated with her. I couldn't believe how she was ignoring my efforts to talk to her and to help her and Ron through this.

"It sure sounded like nothing. You know, you're smart, but you really know nothing about friends. I'm here so you can tell me. I'm here so you don't have to keep it bottled up inside!"

My temper was rising. I was freaking trying to help her!

"Ginny! Honestly! I don't want to talk about it!" She replied shrilly. We were getting a lot of looks.

"Hermione!" I growled, trying to keep my voice down. "I'm here to help!"

"I don't need help!" She said tersely. "Everything is fine!"

"God, Hermione, I'm supposed to be your bloody best friend."

She got quiet. Finally, she collected her things.

"Well, I've never been that good at friends." Her voice was soft. "Or anything else for that matter. That's why I try to keep to the books."

With that, she swept out of the hall, hair bouncing behind her.


* Ron's P.O.V *

The walls swirled before my eyes as I heard Hermione scream.

I yelled for her, but there was no answer.

She was sobbing.

She was hurting.

I needed to help her.

Her painful yells ricocheted off the walls.

I was trapped, stopped by a bared door, with no way up.

No matter how many times I pounded my fists on the walls, I couldn't get to her.

I didn't have my wand.

She was dying.

She was dying and I couldn't save her.

She was dying and she needed me.

Everything flickered.

I was drowning in my own tears.

They filled up the chamber, swallowing me whole.

I heard her painful shriek, and a high cold, female laugh of glee.

I screamed for her, but I couldn't get to her.

She was dying.


I woke with a start, flat on my back, sweating from head to toe.

I was breathing as though I had run a mile.

It was dark and quiet in the dormitory, but Hermione's shrieks still rang in my ears.

I wiped my eyes, and rolled over.

The sun had just begun to rise when I finally fell asleep again


A/N: I'll be camping so I won't update for awhile sorry.

But it's not like a lot of people read it lol :)

Ily all <3

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