Chapter Fifty One

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Hermione came back from work, stressed, anxious and excited for tomorrow.

She had spent months planning, perfecting every single detail of the wedding in a way only Hermione could. After a quick processional run through, she went to work for four hours, went shopping, and was finally home. Ron was making dinner, failing so badly that he just bewitched the food to cook itself, some thing he was not very handy at. It took five minutes for the hovering knife to slice through the chicken.

Hermione sighed and flicked her wand as she closed the door. The knife began to chop at a rapid speed. Ron slumped in embarrassment. She smiled and took out the things she bought on her errands.

"I just got some more floo powder, some more parchment, because we ran out, and of course-"

"What's that?" Ron asked pointing to the depths of the bag at a honey colored bottle with fancy lettering.

"Oh," she pulled it out. "Just some Dr. Sleezaky's Hair Potion. For tomorrow, you know?"

He squinted his blue eyes.

"Give me it."

She looked puzzled, but handed it to him. He tossed it in the garbage, and then vanished it, along with crumpled parchment and rotten apple cores. Hermione mouthed like a goldfish.

"Ron!" She shouted. "That stuff is expensive! I can't believe you just did that!"

He grabbed her hand and she shook it off.

"Why? What possibly could've... Ron! I need that for the-"

"No. You don't. Hermione, I fell in love with the bushy haired girl all those years ago, and I want to marry her."

Hermione stopped talking. Finally, she collapsed into his arms, sighing confusedly and contentedly.

"Let's get to bed," he whispered.

She nodded and kissed him. Hard.

She never realized how much she needed him more than now.

Hermione peeked her head out from the wall, crawling with ivy in an intricate design. There were a ton of people, seated in nice chairs, in the outdoor chapel, surrounded by flutterby bushes. She put one foot forward. Everyone heard Ron gasp.

Her dress was simple and timeless, sleeveless, flowing down in turrets to her feet. A small strip of lace lined her waist. She smiled shyly. Hagrid's wails of sorrow mingled with Mrs. Weasley's.

When she got to the front, she noticed tears on Ron's face. She blinked, surprised. He wiped them furiously.

She took his hand gently, small smooth fingers stroking his larger hand.

"We made it," she mouthed. Ron nodded, shaking. They had made it, no matter what anyone thought or said, they had broken past the fights, the bickering, the battles not only with eachother but also with many dark forces, fighting for their lives and loves. Through it all they had made it. Ron kept nodding.

He made it. They made it

Ron stared at her, having memorized what he was going to say for his vows. He took a deep breath, then spoke.

"My dear Hermione. I don't think that I loved you the first moment I saw you. I don't think it was the second, the third, the fourth or even the fifth. It was slow, like falling into a deep hole, and before I knew it, I was so deep in love I couldn't get out. We fight a lot, my love. We're very different. This is going to make it really hard, we're going to argue and fight, but at the end of the day, I love you more than anything in the world. I promise you, Hermione Jean Granger."

Everyone was in tears. Hermione, cheeks shining under light hazel eyes, Mrs. Weasley, dabbing under her eyes with a handkerchief, and Hagrid, blowing his nose like a trumpet.

Hermione rested a head on his shoulder, waiting as the minister talked, until she could say what she had wrote over and over, memorized, prepared for him.

"Even though we fight and have our differences, at the end of the day, you're the thing I love the most. Nothing makes me feel safer than your arms, nothing makes me happier than your smile, nothing makes me more loved than your kiss. Nothing makes my life more worthwhile than you. I love you. I promise to love you, stay by you, cook for you, kill the spiders for you, because I love you so much."

The crowd awed, and as she settled back onto his chest, he whispered in her ear.

""Look at us, writing bullshit."

She glared up at him.

"It might've been cheesy, but I meant it!"

Ron looked at her for the longest time.

"Yeah me too."

More wedding tomorrow, I just am really tired and NEED TO UPDATE SO ILY

Starting this: Question of the Chapter: Name?

I'm Emma, but y'all can call me Em Gem, everyone does, idk why

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