Chapter 1: A New World

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                                              10th Month of the Yumas Calendar

The darkness is swirling around Clover. The cold darkness devoid of any light, but Clover realizes he doesn't have the feeling of fear around him. For some reason, the darkness is comforting as if it was alive and telling me to calm down.

"What is this...? It's warm." [Clover]

The feeling of warmth could be felt by Clover all over his body, unbeknownst to him, unknown magic of massive proportions were at work. Clover who expected death to come has resolved himself to be taken by death.

Clover thinks to himself, 'Why am I still conscious? Where am I?' The last thing he could remember was receiving his new name from Sicily and their final farewells to each other.

At that moment he remembers the few minutes he and Sicily spent.

"Only if we weren't enemies and met earlier on..." [Clover]

Clover remembers that he managed to make Sicily smile with his ridiculous question and smiles himself. He managed to do a little something for her as a final testament to his only friend. But on the other hand, Clover realizes that he shouldn't be worrying about the past right now. His current situation demands more attention as he has no idea what is currently happening to him.

The space around Clover is pitch black which is expected because one would think there would be nothingness inside a dimensional rift but, no one in his previous universe has ever entered a dimensional rift so there were no accurate records.

Clover decides that since his consciousness is working as it should and he's decided to keep track of time. A few minutes pass and a strange white light glows in the distance surrounded by darkness.

"There's a light over there!" [Clover]

Though there is nothing he could do in terms of movement, the light without the effort of Clover was glowing brighter as if it was getting closer. At that moment the white light surrounds and envelopes Clover as if it was hugging him. In a sudden fashion after being wrapped with bright white light, it turns pitch black again. Clover hears a familiar sound.

The sound of rain can be heard, and the sound of heavy breathing and very heavy footsteps. Yelling can be made out in the distance and the sound of passing arrows.

Clover can feel as if his body was wrapped in cloth and being carried by someone, uses his hand to reach around and feels two lumps. Clover thinks to himself, 'woah, soft mountains.' Interrupting Clover's immature chain of thought was the yells of several men in the distance and a man and a woman nearby. A man's voice which sounded in his mid 30's annunciated.

"Honey! Keep running to the next city, you need to save our son! I will try and buy you as much time as I can, so please, keep running!" [???]

The man's desperation is apparent in his voice when relaying instructions but, right after the man's voice was conveyed, several more voices of men could be heard in the distance.

The moment the woman and man accompanying Clover heard the voices the man shouted in a desperate and saddened voice.

"Hurry Claudia! I believe you can make it under the cover of darkness. Our son must survive!" [???]

Crying could be heard from the woman carrying Clover as she broke of into a full sprint into the opposite directions the voices are coming from. While sprinting Claudia managed to shout something back.

"Please, don't die Oliver!" [Claudia]

After the shout she continued to sprint. She endured the cries of pain of her husband and pursuers behind her. The sound of clashing steel and sword can be heard in the distance. Clover and Claudia have ran far enough that the rain is all they could hear.

"Just a little more, the city is up ahead, that's where she lives, I must give Clover to her. There, Clover will be protected." [Claudia]

Continuing the sprint, with the occasionally slow walk to traverse what seems like harsh environment, Claudia finally manages to reach the border city Belcroft. A paved road can be seen leading over to the main gate of Belcroft.

Claudia, instead of sprinting over to the gate, casually walk to the gate entrance guarded by a gatekeeper.

"Hold it suspicious person!" [Gatekeeper]

Hearing the sudden response to her presence from the gatekeeper Claudia stops in her tracks and whispers to herself.

"Where is she? She's supposed to be here about this time!" [Claudia]

Next to the gatekeeper was a gatehouse like structure to house people and spare horses for the guards. Lights and the shadows of people could be seen on the windows of the gatehouse. Claudia then starts to walk over the gatehouse.

"You there! Stay where you are! I will not let a suspicious person wander around these parts without identifying themselves." [Gatekeeper]

Claudia seems to be very frustrated with the situation as her friend was supposed to be here around this time of night.

"Tch..." [Claudia]

Claudia ends up clicking her tongue out of frustration, and just when Claudia was about to unveil her hood movement could be heard from inside the gatehouse. In that moment the door opened from the gate house and a woman in priestess wear walks out. In that instant Claudia expresses the priestess's name.

"...Alicia..." [Claudia]

"Outsider! Stay away from priestess Alicia" [Gatekeeper]

The gatekeeper is rightfully doing his job of being defensive towards a suspicious person but in this case it is well inconvenient for Claudia, as the situation doesn't call for this kind of treatment. While the commotion is going around priestess Alicia looks at Claudia holding the baby in her arms in curiosity, Alicia narrows her eyes in light of the suspicious person. The gatekeeper swings around to Alicia's side to defend her.

He holds out a short spear in defense of the priestess, that has just walked out of the gatehouse, the light still seen inside and still raining outside.

"Alicia it's me." [Claudia]

Hearing her name again, priestess Alicia widens her eyes in shock as she realizes who the voice belongs to. Cold sweat is formed on the back of her neck in reaction to the voice.

"Madame Claudia! What in heaven's sake are you doing here?! And in this condition! Stand down Robin! This person her is a personal friend of mine." [Alicia]

"B-b-but, priestess Alicia!" [Robin]

"Robin please. She is no harm to me or you. I can assure you as priestess." [Alicia]

"...Yes Alicia..." [Robin]

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