Chapter 23: The woman with red marks

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8th month of the Yumas Calendar

A wooden mug was then thrown at the wall containing mead which triggered the start of the bar fight. The first fist was swung towards Lavris's face which he then dodged.

"I have no time for this!" [Lavris]

After dodging the first hit Lavris kicked the floor of the bar which launched himself over the two people in front of him. His destination was on the second floor. Surprisingly to Lavris one of the men wasn't as drunk as he though and caught onto his leg and then pulled him down.

"Aw cmon." [Lavris]

Lavris now surround again, crouched and swung his leg in a circular motion to break the balance of the men.


In the background of the tavern, the barkeep was yelling.

"Everyone get out of here! If you want to fight, fight in the streets!" [Barkeep]

Everyone ignored the barkeep and continued onto their personal fights. Lavris, on the other hand, was dealing blow after blow towards his assailants who stopped them punching towards the temple of the head and then into the gut.

He kicked one of the opponents who tried to get upright in the gut which launched him back into a nearby pillar. Lavris then picked up one of the men he was fighting by the collar and threw him in the middle of the room for him to deal with other fights.

"NOW STAY THERE!" [Lavris]

Two more opponents that were on the ground now got up and faced Lavris. Lavris made a serious face, made a hand signal to start the fight.

One man swung diagonally from the left leading downwards which Lavris dodged by leaning back, Lavris then countered the swing by uppercutting under the man's arm. The counter connected with the man's jaw which launched him onto a table breaking it. The man was knocked unconscious.

"Now it's just you and me bucko." [Lavris]


The only person that was left standing to fight Lavris was the one who started this altercation. The man kicked horizontally towards Lavris. Lavris realized that he would try a kick since all of his friends started with a punch and were thoroughly dealt with. Little did he know that Lavris was actually a very good fighter, it just happened the last person he fought was out of the ordinary.

"God, you are nothing compared to boss." [Lavris]

Lavris caught the mans kick and used his elbow to bend the man's knee into an abnormal direction that knees weren't supposed to be bent in.


"Now that'll teach you to start needless fights." [Lavris]

Lavris let go of the man's leg and the man fell onto the ground wriggling in pain grabbing his leg. The fight occurring on the first floor of the tavern started to garner onlookers from the streets, and the fight was getting increasingly escalated. Weapons were forbidden to be brandished in this barkeep.

Though the majority of the customers were adventurers none of which used their weapon in the fight. Lavris then used the time he had when finished with the four people to walk up the room were the suspected dark magic was casted. Lavris opened the door only to see an empty room with beds as if it wasn't used at all.

"Was it all a ruse?" [Lavris]

Lavris while investigating the room heard a large explosion from the outside. He then sprinted towards the exit of the inn only to be introduced to the source of the explosion. He immediately relayed the news to Jason.

"Jason! The orphanage! Half of the orphanage is gone!" [Lavris]

"WHAT?!" [Jason]

"Hurry! Tell Clover about this!!" [Jason]

Lavris hurriedly invoked magic communication towards Clover.

"Clover! The Orphanage! Hurry!" [Lavris]

There wasn't a response. Static interference was only heard as a response.

"Clover! Hey Clover!" [Lavris]

No response can be heard. The panicked face of all the residents on the street watching as the raging fire consumes the half that exploded slowly edging its way to consume the other half.

"Jason! Clover can't be reached! I'm going into the orphanage!" [Lavris]

"I'm going also!" [Jason]

Jason determined the two girls will be all right. Nothing has happened so far and the streets were crowded. They have been leaving and entering different shops the entire time. He then went into the hallway and invoked wind sprint and wind support to hop onto the rooftops extremely fast and ran. Jumping between rooftops at an extremely fast speed.

Back at the orphanage Lavris desperately walks through the still standing front door.

"Hello!! Is anyone here?!" [Lavris]

The fire on the right side of the orphanage crackled and engulfed the hallways fiercely eating away at it. The heat was unbearable and beads of sweat can be seen balling down Lavris's face.

Lavris invokes water stream to drench himself to cool himself down. He also uses the water stream to dampen the surrounding area to keep the fire from spreading too much.

"Where is everyone?! The last time I was here the orphanage was full!" [Lavris]

Just before leaving to the second floor Lavris noticed that there weren't any indication of burnt bodies in the hallway engulfed by flames, nor were there the sounds of screaming inside the orphanage. Something was out of the ordinary. Lavris then ran to the part of the second floor that was still standing and yelled if anyone was here. No response was given, he then ran to the first-floor hallway and rooms to check if anyone was here, no one. The only part Lavris hasn't checked was inside the first-floor hallway engulfed by flames.

"Well, gotta try every place." [Lavris]

Lavris sprinted through the broken wood invoking water magic to quell the flames as much as he can. Though it was barely making a dent in the aggressive and intense flames, he did manage to lower the temperature just a tad. After a few heat intensive steps he arrived to a room with a sign on top of the door which said 'Activities Room'.

Lavris quickly opened the door only to be exposed to a scene of intense fear and darkness. There standing in the middle of the room was a slender woman dressed in a black and red uniform with red claw marks on her arm, an intense purple tornado surrounding her. With her arm stretched, she was holding a foot off the ground, a woman in priestess wear who wasn't moving as if she was dead.

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