Chapter 28: Hindefreed's Mansion

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8th month of the Yumas Calendar

It was rather easy for Clover to gain control of the destructive swords as he himself has an affinity with fire magic and easily reigned over the swords. Clover then continued through the forest ignoring every monster that crossed his path now. Clover didn't want to teleport to the city as it might make him motion sick, and he didn't want to waste time to recover from his sickness.

He was able to traverse the forest in no time due to how many times he's been there and climbed the of the city using dimensional steps. Clover has long gotten ahold of his dimension step magic and was able to traverse the height of the wall with ease. He then ran along the roads towards Hindefreeds Mansion.

"Wait, I don't even know where his mansion is. I'll ask the Gilford administration building." [Clover]

Clover then sprinted through the many stalls and people enjoying the festival while passing through the street containing Ironlite.

Jason was looking through the window of the second floor as to ascertain if there were any suspicious individuals roaming around as he saw a blur pass the street in front of him.

"Boss?!" [Jason]

Jason put his foot on the windowsill and jumped out in an effort to follow his boss.

"Clarent! I'll leave the recovery operation to you and Sella!" [Jason]

"Roger!" [Clarent]

Jason proceeded to run through the streets after Clover. Jason using his wind magic increased his speed tenfold to catch up with Clover. Clover was traveling too fast so Jason decided to speak with him using his magic communication.

"Boss!" [Jason]

While the two are running at separate distances they continued to converse.

"Jason! I'm heading to the Gilford Administration building, I heard that Lucy and Hazel are at the head's mansion. His name was Hindefreed." [Clover]

"Boss slow down for a second! I'll teleport us to the Gilford building." [Jason]

Clover is a little taken aback as to how Jason can use teleportation magic.

"You can use teleportation magic?" [Clover]

"Yeah I learned way back in my hay day but, enough about that, let's get you to the Gilford building." [Jason]

Clover stops his run and moments after Jason catches up and they immediately teleport to the front of the building. The arches of the entrance way display elegance and wealth. The Gilford group is definitely as wealthy as they make out to be Clover thought. Multiple doors are seen throughout the building, Clover is guessing for emergency purposes.

Both of them walk in while keeping up a worthy pace. Clover looks over at Jason.

"How are they?" [Clover]

Clover displays concern in his speech and on his face.

"They are doing well Clover, you can rest assured. Clarent and Sella are taking care of them." [Jason]

"That's good." [Clover]

Clover and Jason enter the building to be introduced to a very busy interior with many people of all kinds, merchants, traders, other his nobility individuals. Clover gets back his composure and continues to walk over to the Gilford reception desk containing a young receptionist wearing a white and blue lined top.

"Hello welcome to the Gilford building were trade is at its finest! I am Lesley, how may I be of service?" [Lesley]

"I am here for Hin.." [Clover]

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